So I go straight for the throat with the name calling does it get under your skin.I suspect not.You on the other hand take the educated,savvy ,intellectual approach to putting someone down I'm sure that makes you feel innocent and mature at a higher level.The result is the same.So get off your high horse box head.If you continue to challenge peoples intelligence you will continue to be alone and depressed.You have so much talent and potential. Man what a fucking waste.
Actually it doesn't make me feel that innocent. I kind of feel like i've just kicked the crap out of an elementary school kid, so it's not really any feeling of accomplishment, but your statements just keep getting more mixed up and nonsensical that it's so hard to resist....
ever met a guy at a party and the stuff coming out of his mouth was just so damn retarded that you wanted to haul back and smack him? yea, it's kind of that feeling i get when i read your posts.
the only intelligence that I challenge is that of myself and my friends, which I think is a mandatory part of intellectual growth. For example, every time my band and I write a new song, I try to make sure that everyone in the band has at least one riff or verse that challenges their knowledge of theory and their respective instrument.
So before, you trashed my band, and now you're calling me 'talented' which confuses me, since the music you heard [or probably didn't] was composed, recorded and performed by me. The other band members were live musicians only; so forgive my doubts on the integrity of your current statement.
I also don't see how i'm wasting my talents, since I'm giving lessons to [hopefully] the next generation of guitarists in my area. I'm also collaborating with other local musicians to create music, so where's the waste in that? It's not like I learned guitar for 6 years and then decided to leave that talent to rot.