Seven Kingdoms -After the Fall video

I'm not terribly familiar with the band other than seeing them mentioned on these forums occasionally, but I am a huge fan of female-fronted metal and I really enjoyed the video. I will definitely check out the new album when it comes out. I also thought it was very cool that the singer was marching around the venue introducing herself to everyone. She seemed very enthusiastic and genuinely nice, and that makes me want to like the band that much more. Kudos to her for working the crowd in person.
Those who missed the video, it has been officially posted on Youtube. Please share it with as many people as you possibly can!!!

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Related sidenote. I did not recognize Sabrina for who she was the several times she handed me things (though I will say that the first time I did literally stop in my tracks, she's a very pretty lady!). The second time she handed me one of those little cards and made sure I would be in my seat for the video premier I thought she was very timid.

Then I saw the video. Wow! Talk about coming out of your shell. Very powerful. Just watched the video again, and even outside of that special PPUSA glow, it still smokes. Love those freakin' solos too!
I just wanted to congratulate the band on a great video and a great album. After the first show I saw them after I signed them...(at the Wed, pre-party a couple years back) well let's just say I had some advice for them... and I was less than excited with the show. They took it, and then set out to prove something to me and everyone else...

I believe you just witnessed the first stage of that... Nice one Lady and Metal-men!
Related sidenote. I did not recognize Sabrina for who she was the several times she handed me things (though I will say that the first time I did literally stop in my tracks, she's a very pretty lady!). The second time she handed me one of those little cards and made sure I would be in my seat for the video premier I thought she was very timid.

Ermahgerd... Serbernerr's ehrserrm!!! I met her on Wednesday night... she does look pretty good in a tux. :lol:
I thought it was great! I made sure to grab your last t-shirt from Lance and i can't wait to hear the album. Congrats for getting to premier the video in such an awesome way!

It would be great if you guys could share the video on your social media pages like facebook and twitter! We are trying to get to 50,000 Views by the day of release!! 4.2K views in two days so far!

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For those of you who weren't present for the video release, the audience really enjoyed it. I did not expect very many people to stick around and watch. I was wrong - and what an applause it received! Certainly on scale with the roster announcement cheers. I wonder if part of that success is due to the band members self promotion. I met a couple at previous PPUSAs and got a free CD, chatted about music, etc. I walked away interested and I genuinely enjoyed meeting the guys. Seven Kingdoms feels like part of the PPUSA family - and to see them grow and get that applause was really cool. I think the crowd was very proud to look out and say 'here is a band I know, and congrats to the success'. Just thought I'd give an impression for those who couldn't make it. Well done SK!
Now that I'm not craning my three-days-of-headbanging-sore-neck to watch this video, it's pretty sweet! Good stuff, guys :D
It would be great if you guys could share the video on your social media pages like facebook and twitter! We are trying to get to 50,000 Views by the day of release!! 4.2K views in two days so far!

I just posted it to my PPS Metal Facebook and Twitter pages. Well done video and I'm happy to help promote it!!! :kickass:

For anyone who wants to see new power/prog/symphonic songs every day, give my pages a look. I'm trying to fill a "give me new music only" niche that no one else was filling on Facebook (see Facebook About tab for full explanation).
I absolutely love this song. The voice and music fit perfectly. This song says so much so succinctly. I have been a fool and avoided listening to Seven Kingdoms. This will no longer happen and I cannot wait for the album. Thank you for making such an emotionally tinged, beautiful song.
thank you all again, for the tremendous support with the sharing the video

We are closing in on 200,000 views with it only being online for 9 or so days!!