Recent content by Jeremy.

  1. Jeremy.

    Question for Antti?

    I seen in the studio diary pictures that you guys were using a Krank Revolution along with a 6505+ for recording guitars. I was wondering what you think of the Krank compared to the 6505+, or how much did you use it on the album? Was it used for certain parts only? Such as just clean, or just...
  2. Jeremy.

    New Sinergy Album?

    Whatever happened to that? It was supposed to be released last fall wasn't it? Then it got lost or something. Did they find it yet? Why aren't we hearing any information about it?
  3. Jeremy.

    Is it true...?

    He did indeed switch to Seymour Duncans.
  4. Jeremy.

    Game: ultimate metal band 2007

    23 - Samael (-2) 26 - At the Gates (+1) 26 - Agalloch 38 - Swallow the Sun (+1)
  5. Jeremy.

    Bodom influenced guitar recording video!

    I was going to come in here, remembering the shitty bodom cover you posted a while ago, and that whole situation, and I was going to take a shot at you, but the leads at the beginning of that video were too good. Props dudes!
  6. Jeremy.


    What rock did you just crawl out from under? There are more colors then black. If the tattoo starts to fade you get more color put in it. Simple as that.
  7. Jeremy.


    If you fucking love a band, and want to get a tattoo, then do it. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. 90% of the people on here are fucking elitists anyway who only like the debut album from like 5 bands and thats it. Just think about it before you do it thats all. The thing about it is...
  8. Jeremy.

    Holy fuck!

    I think Bjorn with the long hair and massive beard and Anders with the dreads and beard suits them best.
  9. Jeremy.

    Help Finding a logo!?

    I like the look of the flame. I was just going to get the Jester Head outline, but figured it would look better with the flame inside. I've grown to like it a lot after looking at it for a few months, and I want to get it now :P Also, if you meant the logo saying "In Flames" from the Jester...
  10. Jeremy.

    Help Finding a logo!?

    Hey, I've been planning on getting an In Flames tattoo for a while, but I need to find the outline of the Jester Head, and I can't seem to find one. All of the ones I've found have been to small. If anyone has a high quality picture of the outlined Jester Head, could you please post it? It would...
  11. Jeremy.

    I've come to the conclusion...

    That Lady_Laiho is a fake account. No one can be that stupid, and not be in a mental hospital.
  12. Jeremy.

    need high quality pics of Alexi and Roope with theri Jacksons

    I seriously lol'd at that. Good job! Who is that song by? It sounds cool.
  13. Jeremy.

    Alexi's headbang

    If you are serious, you need to take your thumb out of alexi's bum. Seriously. This is one of the stupidest topics I have ever seen on these forums. No joke. What next? OMGZ!11! AL3KI H@S H1S N@1LP0L1SH CH1PP3D!!11!!11ONE!11!. I like Alexi's playing, and I like his headbanging too. It's...
  14. Jeremy.

    The AYDY campaign

    I'm over 18. I like Are You Dead yet. It's my least favorite album but I still like it. It has it's moments.
  15. Jeremy.

    what do you think about this

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA WHAT A FUCKING LOSER! I seriously couldn't stop laughing. Not only at the playing, but the Alexi wannabe-ness. Its fucking hilarious! And he sucks so bad!