Holy fuck!


The doctor is in...
Apr 20, 2006
Bjorn cut his hair! I can't believe my eyes! He should at least shave the beard before anything because he looks like a terrorist. :lol:


Peter has a beard now, what the fuck? He looks like a terrorist aswell. :heh:


All what In Flames have to do now is:
1- Anders removes the dreads.
2- Bjorn shaves his beard, and let his hair grow just like in Clayman era.
3- Peter removes his beard immediately.
4- Jesper wakes up from his dream.
5- Daniel puts braces. :heh:

Afterwards, they decide to go back to the roots and make a kick-ass album entitled: ''In Flames'' with this logo:
7. Inflames writes The Lunar Sub Race of Whores from Black Ash Colony with absolutely no press release. Swedish thrash becomes godly again and At The Gates decides to reunite and do a split album with a reunited Gates Of Ishtar ( If you dont know them look them up) . Nobody under 18 is allowed to be buy either album. Die hards with no protractor haircuts rejoice.
you should be happy bjorn cut his hair. he looks old school with it. and anders shaved not too long ago so it seems like their slowly turning into how they looked during colony-clayman.
As much as i dont mind the newer albums, making an Entire album all Old School would be i think all our dreams now wouldn't it? It will never happen!

At least have a kick ass Instrumental on there next
We can dream buddy!

Oh if Anders Takes his Dreads out i'd be happy, he looked cool right before soundtrack, in the Cloud Connected he looks Normal

there's a new picture on inflames.com with anders, and it appears that your wish has been granted. his hair is very dirty looking, but not in dreads. i'd post the pic, but the link is broke or something,

Screw just removing Anders' dreads. It would be more effective if they just removed him altogether. :p
I like the music, not the hair, but if thats what gets you kids off these days.