Holy fuck!

Wow can't believe bjorn cut it that short! I prefer Jesper with longer hair and clean shaven. And dang he's put on a bit of weight too, but I suppose that happens when you get older and lazier :P
Jesper looks fine to me
Oh really? :D

I too love Anders dreads. I don't see why some fans have such a huge problem with them, they give him a more distinctive look. He looked boring as hell prior to Reroute. Maybe his dreads are cursed, considering that their music became boring as hell after Reroute. :lol:
This entire conversation is charged with homosexual tension

*High-pitched girl's voice* "Well, I like Anders in the purple shirt"
@Winter: ooh, forgot there were actual girls on the forum (probably something to do with all the random accusations of homosexuality thrown around on here).

Anyhow, yeah, don't care how they dress
who are these guys ?:lol:



ps. Bjorn reminded me of Fidel Castro for a second in that one new pic