Recent content by Jewfro

  1. J


    Spastik Ink shirts...YES!!!!!!!!!! It should say something like Spastik Ink...Dont even try to count it, or something like that haha, oh and large for me, thanks.
  2. J

    Who plays spastic ink stuff?

    hey sirjack i checked out senor x, man he dominates. And I have posted, the challenge thats up right now is mine, the one about the oringinal composition etc...but shhhhhh, no one is supposed to know haha. I'll post more soon, right now im looking for some good recording gear.
  3. J

    Who plays spastic ink stuff?

    yeah man its some of the funnest stuff to play because its so unpredictable, you cant assume anything while your playing. It really forces you to be a better player.
  4. J

    Who plays spastic ink stuff?

    So who learns spastic ink stuff? I play guitar and just finished aquanet. I'm still trying to get the solo clean.
  5. J

    Whats up everybody

    Hey everyone, just wanted to say hi. I also wanted to let Ron know that you're one of my biggest musical influences. I love the approach that you take to writing songs, its almost jazzy. And playing them is a blast, I'm almost done with aquanet. Anyway, cant wait for the new stuff.