Recent content by joanna

  1. J

    Where is the offical web site of Amon Amarth??

    but i need it on tesday!what shall i do then?
  2. J

    Where is the offical web site of Amon Amarth??

    can someone teĺl me where shall i find all what was there for my website? and what shall i put as link to the official website?
  3. J

    what is your favourite AA song?

    for me the best song is Versus the world...its even the best album i think..
  4. J

    Where is the offical web site of Amon Amarth?? really disappeard...have no idea where it can be, but it has to be somewhere...i hope...i really need it, im just making their first czech web can i do it without official website??? this is really strange..
  5. J

    hi guys

    and what about the amon amarth? btw thanks for all of zour replies... and what about debase wolf, satyricon, cradle of filth? btw is here anyone czech?
  6. J

    Name some great films

    i used to be a juvenile intellectual...its the best thing i've ever seen
  7. J

    hi guys new to this forum...which other bands do u people like?
  8. J

    World Championship...(hockey)

    i think that vikingr was a bt right...i dont think that metal is about what u r wearing but about what u r feeling...if u see me u wont think i listen to metal music...i have long hair, but just because i am a girl...of course, sometimes i wear some metal stuff, but not to feel cool...its just...
  9. J

    World Championship...(hockey)

    i dont know how mnany people will be there but i dont think its sold out...but i know about ten people that will be there, so u wont be alone there....i think that not many people like IM, i also cant say i like them, but my mum gave me a ticket thats why im going...and of course, therell be...
  10. J

    World Championship...(hockey)

    hahaha u r soo funny :p btw c u on the Iron Maiden show....btw did i already told u that the czech hockey team is the best? and i'm not saying this just because the media tell me :)
  11. J

    World Championship...(hockey)

  12. J

    World Championship...(hockey)

    goulash isn't typical czech....but hockey is!!!!! WE ARE THE CHMPIONS OF THE WORLD!!!! WE ARE THE BEST!!!!! AND YOU ARE NOT:)ONLY WE ARE, WE ARE, WE ARE SOOOOOO GR8!!
  13. J

    World Championship...(hockey)

    aaaah we're gr8!!!! i konow we'll win!!!'squite cool that small country like czech republic won against THE i have to hope that we'll win again and than again....we're gonna b champions! i think that hockey is the only thing i can b proud of as a czech...except beer:)
  14. J

    World Championship...(hockey)

    and what about the Czechs? we also play very good hockey and i'm sure we'll win against the USA...'cause we're the best!
  15. J

    hello people

    i guess your stay in prague would be really good...btw u can get drunk 4 10 euros if u buy a bottle of absinth for example:)