Recent content by JODEA SHE ELOKIM EMET

  1. J


    You should ask all these questions to my Brother - he is the sole producer of DiaPre... From my perspective, this cover is pretty outstanding... Usually people tend to imitate the exact scheme and form of original and do not dare to innovatively recombine the very tissue of the song... In case...
  2. J


    Dear All, I would like to present you fine piece of cover-art, i.e. art of performing cover of an excellent song by Katatonia "Stalemate" created by my beloved Brother-in-Arm, whose indentity is hidden under nickname "DiaPre" If you wish to listen to this remake, please click the following...
  3. J

    Best Katatonia release TILL Brave Murder Day

    ADNI sfatai tiftach ufi jagid tefilateicha: Baruch Ata ADNI, Elokeinu Melech ha olam, al tikam al ha adam asher lo jada bein jamino lismolo. Baruch Ata ADNI, Gibor ve Rav Chesed. Amen
  4. J

    Best Katatonia release TILL Brave Murder Day

    Most of you don't care if some words HAVE MEANING! You're living in a postmodern, value-lacking world I guess if you criticise my decision concerning disapproval of usage of DIVINE NAME esp. when it says that BOTH OF HIS NAMES are dead. And the title of the first Katatonia's release shows how...
  5. J

    Best Katatonia release TILL Brave Murder Day

    I deliberately omitted first EP cause I disapprove it's title.
  6. J

    Best Katatonia release TILL Brave Murder Day

    I've started with For Funerals to Come... and old Katatonia has always been for me THIS VERY SPECIAL KATATONIA, though still I highly appreciate it's new era... Please vote according to your conscience.
  7. J

    What'll be the TITLE of Katatonia's next release?

    Every action has its reaction, so I propose: The Little Hot Vicinity
  8. J

    vote for your fave song off the album/single

    Berlin, 1st of May I'll be there!!!!!!
  9. J

    vote for your fave song off the album/single

    Now I'm crazy about JULY!!! I've voted for this song as 2nd, but now it's 1st for me. It reminds me of these summer nights in Stockholm without full darkness and this special, stimulant energy present in the midnight-twilight sky. (Actually, I've missed July, being there from August 2003 till...
  10. J


    Ehmm, sorry for overlapping the main tread about fav. songs. I didn't notice.
  11. J

    vote for your fave song off the album/single

    Soil's Song Follower July Dissolving Bonds (ideal for concert's conclusion) Displaced Already planning with my brothers to catch Berlin's gig (unfortunately this time you didn't come to Krakow, so we've gotta journey through the great cold distance... but then again, it'll be worthy!)
  12. J


    It's hard to say, because all of them are m'o'l awesome. But be a Man (woman can be a Man too ;), really) and choose. My choice: Soil's song
  13. J

    To Jonas

    Well, that's rather simplified view. Not Simson, but Shimshon, which means "Small sun". He falls into the cathegory of "solar hero" (lions, his purity being nazir, long hair, strenght, fighting gloomy Philistines etc.) Concerning 'Deadhouse' - yeah, that's right, I thought for a moment...
  14. J

    To Jonas

    In Silence Enshrined Without God Shades Of Emerald Fields Inside The Fall Saw you drawn Nightmares By The Sea (that's Buckley's) Evidence (I envisioned this in water) Not to mention notorious "falling" which is even more connected to the meaning of the name "Jonas" and of what happens...
  15. J

    To Jonas

    There are some lyrics in which you write about drowning. Does this subject repeatingly occupy your mind? Have you thought about the connection of this theme and the meaning of your name? I'm asking inspired by the Book of Jona, where the main hero is beneath the surface of the sea...