Best Katatonia release TILL Brave Murder Day

Best Katatonia's release TILL Brave Murder Day

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FFTC, but only because of Funeral Wedding!

And yeah, like the title or not, Jhva Elohim Meth is a Katatonia release, and quite possibly many people's favourite of the period. To leave it out is being really unfair to those people. Hell, I'd likely be one of them if it hadn't been for Funeral Wedding.
Voted for BMD, but yeah, why the fuck would you leave out JEM? It's just plain stupid if you're making a poll about the best old era album. Plus, why didn't you put SOD in it too?..
If you were gonna leave out albums just because you didnt approve of the title, then you shouldn't have done the poll.

Zowi said:
why the fuck would you leave out JEM? It's just plain stupid if you're making a poll about the best old era album. why didn't you put SOD in it too?..

But my vote goes for Brave Murder Day.
yeah leaving JEM was not a very good idea. i doubt it would effect the overall ranking, though.
Most of you don't care if some words HAVE MEANING! You're living in a postmodern, value-lacking world I guess if you criticise my decision concerning disapproval of usage of DIVINE NAME esp. when it says that BOTH OF HIS NAMES are dead. And the title of the first Katatonia's release shows how narrow-minded teenagers usually are. Fortunately, J&B understood that using 'fancy hebrew phrase' without real recognition of it's meaning isn't mature at all. Please, don't get me wrong - I can dislike song 'Without God' but will never attack someone who believes in the meaning of such statement. However, JEM title touches to totally different matter, and those of you who have some background in semiotics, cultural anthropology, study of religions and - in this very case - jewish studies will know what I mean.

You can make your own poll and be satisfied in your secularized minds...

I didn't include SOD because it's post-BMD release.

Thanks to THOSE who understood and respected my decision!
I believe you should leave your politics and religions out of the forum, there is no room for that here. If you make the poll, include everything. There is no special treatment.
While I don't think you should do a poll leaving out a particular album, I don't fault anyone for feeling uncomfortable with a particular album title due to their spiritual beliefs. However, the important thing about an album is the music contained in the package, not the title. Perhaps refusing to listen to something because of a controversial title is a little narrowminded in itself.