Best Katatonia release TILL Brave Murder Day

Best Katatonia's release TILL Brave Murder Day

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I agree that Jhva Elohim Meth should've been included. I do completely respect one's decision to disregard something for themself, but even if one disbelieves in the statement contained in the title...a band's release should be acknowledged. Additionally, even those who believe in God might not interpret the title in its literal sense, and might not be offended by it.

No worries, though.

And in any case...Brave Murder Day, for sure.
Most of you don't care if some words HAVE MEANING! You're living in a postmodern, value-lacking world I guess if you criticise my decision concerning disapproval of usage of DIVINE NAME esp. when it says that BOTH OF HIS NAMES are dead. And the title of the first Katatonia's release shows how narrow-minded teenagers usually are. Fortunately, J&B understood that using 'fancy hebrew phrase' without real recognition of it's meaning isn't mature at all. Please, don't get me wrong - I can dislike song 'Without God' but will never attack someone who believes in the meaning of such statement. However, JEM title touches to totally different matter, and those of you who have some background in semiotics, cultural anthropology, study of religions and - in this very case - jewish studies will know what I mean.

You can make your own poll and be satisfied in your secularized minds...

I didn't include SOD because it's post-BMD release.

Thanks to THOSE who understood and respected my decision!
But all this is the topic for another discussion. Start it if you want. If you really want to make the REAL poll about Katatonia releases, you should include them all. When you leave one out, you are making results false.
ADNI sfatai tiftach ufi jagid tefilateicha:

Baruch Ata ADNI, Elokeinu Melech ha olam, al tikam al ha adam aszer lo jada bein jamino lismolo. Baruch Ata ADNI, Gibor we Raw Chesed.Amen

we raw cheesed? Raw cheese, now how cool is that.

Edit: Now I get it! It's from Monty Python! Blessed are the cheesemakers indeed!
The poll wont be accurate at all now. You know, you could always not vote for that album too if you don't like it( even though the music of the album is great, I am not saying it's unreasonable to disagree with the title either... ) but yeah... Someone should make the REAL poll and those who voted can simply vote again, not that hard.
Most of you don't care if some words HAVE MEANING! You're living in a postmodern, value-lacking world I guess if you criticise my decision concerning disapproval of usage of DIVINE NAME esp. when it says that BOTH OF HIS NAMES are dead. And the title of the first Katatonia's release shows how narrow-minded teenagers usually are. Fortunately, J&B understood that using 'fancy hebrew phrase' without real recognition of it's meaning isn't mature at all. Please, don't get me wrong - I can dislike song 'Without God' but will never attack someone who believes in the meaning of such statement. However, JEM title touches to totally different matter, and those of you who have some background in semiotics, cultural anthropology, study of religions and - in this very case - jewish studies will know what I mean.

You can make your own poll and be satisfied in your secularized minds...

I didn't include SOD because it's post-BMD release.

Thanks to THOSE who understood and respected my decision!

Dude, I'm Muslim. The first rule of a music forum: Leave your religious views at the door, and bring them into a discussion when the discussion is such.

Just because their Demo/EP is titled 'God is Dead' doesn't mean that you should omit it as an option just because you don't approve of the title. Elohim is a Divine name to me as well, but that wouldn't have stopped me from casting my vote to JEM.
i donno which word means "God" in the phrase "Jhva Elohim Meth" but is this word the name of Jewish God like "Allah" being the name of Muslim God? or just "god"? =)

bah anyway, Brave Murder Day is the best =)
Metal is an "extreme" genre, so is Katatonia's music, no matter in which subgenre you classify Katatonia, how can you ignore this music's components? Grief, melancholy, selftorture, hatred etc.. (of course I don't think that these negative concepts are what metal is or should be)
Your work is really hard...
i really don't care mostly of bands religious believes and sex choices (i still listen to queen lol).

i must say Brave Murder Day because it has the quality i so adore in Katatonia releases. Very cold and intense music. i like some songs of the older ones tho i admit i don't like them very much. They are too much general doom (imho).