Recent content by Joey.coldweather

  1. Joey.coldweather

    Multitracks - Provide the best mix, and get paid to mix the album

    Was a fun song to work on! Here is my go at the song: Lots of great mixes of a good song on here.
  2. Joey.coldweather

    Building a Pro Studio

    Hey you wonderful people! I'm in the planning stages of building a recording facility in a basement of my future home with my wife. Our goal is to make a space that is very professional yet at a budget point that would make it attractive to my local (maybe even non local) music community. I've...
  3. Joey.coldweather

    Multitracks - Provide the best mix, and get paid to mix the album

    I'm with everyone else, your mix sounds great. Still going to try my hand at it. Sounds like it could be a fun song to work on.
  4. Joey.coldweather

    Mixing with Pink Noise

    I've tried this a while back and can't say it agrees with me. I felt as though it made my mix at the time quite bland.
  5. Joey.coldweather

    How everything sits frequency-wise?

    Honestly I don't have a go to solution for such issues as its really dependent of the song and what exactly is causing the problem to begin with. I will do things like completely mute tracks if the situation calls for it.
  6. Joey.coldweather

    Can you cancel a reverb ?

    SPL's De Verb does the job pretty well. could also just automate the tails to be shorter.
  7. Joey.coldweather

    Whole album in one DAW session ?

    I do exactly that when working with prog bands where their albums are basically just giant songs. Sometimes its easier to work on the whole album rather then one song at a time. But I find my self separating songs when they really don't need to be in the same session.
  8. Joey.coldweather

    Wierd rattling noise on screams..

    I agree with RedDog, hard to really hear what is going on but it kinda sounds like you're overloading the capsule to me. backing away from the mic a bit should help.
  9. Joey.coldweather

    Practice Time05 - KSE The Arms of Sorrow - 23 DI files for fun

    Had a lot of fun with this one.
  10. Joey.coldweather

    Mix my bands album for fun!

    Here is my go at B-Vera.
  11. Joey.coldweather

    Tech Death with Raw Mixing files YT

    The song was fun to work on. anyways, here is my go at it.
  12. Joey.coldweather

    Math+Music: Tip for Lead Guitar

    man the math you did was the hard way round. 60,000/BPM= 4th note in ms 60,000/BPM*1.5= dotted 4th in ms 60,000/BPM*0.667= triplet 4th in ms
  13. Joey.coldweather

    Do you let the 50/60Hz analog hiss on your plugs ?

    I like the hiss my self, feel as though it adds a bit of character. Especially during moments of silence, but it does sometimes add up to be too percent in a mix occasionally I agree.
  14. Joey.coldweather

    ONAN feedback would be great.

    This is my first Producer credit. I also Mixed and Mastered this as well and would love if some of you guys took a listen and gave me some feedback. :kickass:
  15. Joey.coldweather

    how to create a certain sound

    do you mean the glockenspiel like sound? I'd rent a glockenspiel and then slap reverb and delays on it to get something similar.