Recent content by johnnypreset

  1. johnnypreset

    Band Name Suggestions (A HC band with the same band name as mine)

    Inkermit? Cool riffs, liked them.
  2. johnnypreset

    Online/free books on audio engineering? Best free one I ever found, gained more from this book than the shitty SAE course I did years ago.
  3. johnnypreset

    Melodeath Recommendations?
  4. johnnypreset

    If you could offer one sentence of advice to your 13-year old self..

    Backup the pictures from the Tits And Arse thread.
  5. johnnypreset

    This still fucking rules! This one always kicks my ass, crashed my car into a bus stop many moons ago listening to it. Fortunately there was no one waiting for a bus.
  6. johnnypreset

    I know a secret down in Uncle Tom's cabin

    Lynch Mob? I had the guitar book for this album which came with a tape of all the licks at half speed, could I play it? Could I fuuuuuuuuuu.
  7. johnnypreset

    '70's Hard Rock

    ZZ Top man!!!! You can't deny Billy Gibbons tone and pinch harmonics. Not to mention song titles like Backdoor Love Affair:) and Arrested For Driving While Blind.
  8. johnnypreset

    Without question the best breakdown in the fucking world, EVER.

    Nicked! 35secs onwards. They don't even have to use that riff as a breakdown, they're that badass.
  9. johnnypreset


    In the boot of my car, just need to round up the rest of them and drive it off a cliff.
  10. johnnypreset

    PERIPHERY Icarus Lives Video Premiere

    That was like watching a crotch seam strain test from a shower cubicle.
  11. johnnypreset

    POLL: Favourite Iron Maiden album!

    Piece Of Mind for me, cause it's got Quest For Fire on it. In fact I'm gonna put it on now.
  12. johnnypreset

    DIVINITY new album mix

    I really love this band, great tunes, production and musicianship. The first album was the titties. I hope you do an Enditol album after this man cause that stuff was mindblowing as well.:worship:
  13. johnnypreset

    Audio ease Cabinet simulator test

    I fired the demo up for a wee test earlier on, got what I thought was a pretty good tone, then ran the catharsis impulses for a comparison and promptly uninstalled the demo. However that speakerphone plug looks the tits for doing sound design, quite a cool video of it on the Audioease site.
  14. johnnypreset

    I love Whitesnake

    Never trust anyone who doesn't like Whitesnake.
  15. johnnypreset

    Most Underrated Metal Guitarists?

    Christofer Malmstrom (Darkane) Joe Haley (Psycroptic) David Davidson (Revocation) John Sykes (Whitesnake stuff) killer tone on 1987.