Recent content by Kalapuikko

  1. Kalapuikko

    Studio build in Finland

    Well, actually theres couple new photos for this thread: Before we left, we started the live room framing and drywalling, shot of the lower end of the live room: Airgap between live room and CR
  2. Kalapuikko

    Studio build in Finland

    Thank you guys, it means a lot! I know.. :D But a good thing is that my mates dad and his employees shall continue the construction of the live room while we are here. As it looks now, we shall go back as the insulation is getting in and it is time for interior acoustic treatment. Every step...
  3. Kalapuikko

    Studio build in Finland

    This thread has been in Gs for a while, ( but I remember reading similar threads here (and always found them very interesting) so I thought I'd post this here as well. So...
  4. Kalapuikko

    The photography thread

    Tried my girlfriends camera yesterday, it was basically the first time I had someone to show what all the settings do and taking pictures without "auto-everything". :D I really liked it! We came up to this stream in the middle of the countryside and I tried taking a couple of shots, heres one of...
  5. Kalapuikko

    First Album (and label release) I've done

    Thanks a lot! Thank you, though I doubt that will affect that much considering that the band is quite unknown and the record sales in Finland really aren't that big. :)
  6. Kalapuikko

    First Album (and label release) I've done

    Hi, I'm not so frequent poster here but I've been reading the forums a long time. This January I finished the mix of an album from a Finnish metal/rock band called Nicumo which I also recorded, so I wanted to post it here in case someone would be interested. :) (Sorry about the hideous...
  7. Kalapuikko

    Keith Merrow Signature Rig Pac for Kemper

    Thank you! I used Metal Machine blended with Slate, CLA and probably some of the Nashville pack snares.
  8. Kalapuikko

    Keith Merrow Signature Rig Pac for Kemper

    Hey man, thanks for sharing the profiles, huge respect! These clip were played with old strings (and the D string broken, heh) so they don't make full justice to your profiles, even so, I like them! The Sansamp one seems to be really great on bass after a quick look. Thanks! Nope, no post...
  9. Kalapuikko

    Keith Merrow Signature Rig Pac for Kemper

    Thanks for the link! First quick test, no processing on gtrs at all, no bass though. And another, this time with bass using one of Merrow's profiles. Quickly thrown togehter, so can't really even speak of mix but after brief toying with these it...
  10. Kalapuikko

    Kemper related Job Offer

    PM sent.
  11. Kalapuikko

    Korn - Untouchables

    Bump for awesome production and new info into the thread, Michael Beinhorn is doing Q & A at Gearslutz:
  12. Kalapuikko

    Hilarious audio tech bollocks

    My favourite, from gearslutz: "I have finally accepted after doing some audible tests, that more expensive cables do sound better. My wallet wishes I hadn't.. ..At present, the Looms are the same length, with the closer room's loom's excess being rolled up. I did this because I was told that it...
  13. Kalapuikko

    Kemper Profiling Amp

    Stumbled upon a post in Gearslutz about Kemper in the new AILD record: Pretty interesting that the Kemper made it being the main "amp" used, and not just for the occasionally overdubs. Sorry if this was posted before.
  14. Kalapuikko

    David Castillo - Ghostward studio question and answer

    Great question, the kick punch is brilliant and really drives the music forward. In the interview you told your opinion about drum sampling etc. Where there drum replacement/augmentation on Dead End Kings and how it was used, if any? Thanks a lot for doing this, you're quickly becoming one of...
  15. Kalapuikko

    Polishing turds, the tips and tricks thread

    This works surprisingly well, tried it the last time I recorded drums. Head at the position of my blumlein room pair I could only see the shells, and the difference was really good. Definitely going to continue using that. I think I got the inspiration from Eric Valentine, he posted a photo to...