Recent content by Korruptive

  1. Korruptive

    quick guitar help

    and my friend said its annotation -.- oh well gotta learn somehow
  2. Korruptive

    quick guitar help

    oh those things holding the strings that slide up and down when you loosen them? thats all?
  3. Korruptive

    where is joe aka heartless_name?

    he hasn't been on msn for a while now
  4. Korruptive

    quick guitar help

    i wouldnt say its fucked, just needs a bit of tweaking? ._.
  5. Korruptive

    quick guitar help

    I have a floyd rose
  6. Korruptive

    quick guitar help

    i've noticed my 'annotations' are out of tune, when i pluck an open string its pefectly tuned but when i press the 12th fret its not in tune but it should be its called a harmonic or something? how do i fix this myself without paying a guitar dealer to fix it?
  7. Korruptive

    anyone fancy teaching me guitar?

    ok so back on topic, i've noticed my 'annotations' are out of tune, when i pluck an open string its pefectly tuned but when i press the 12th fret its not in tune but it should be its called a harmonic or something? how do i fix this myself without paying a guitar dealer to fix it?
  8. Korruptive

    Alexi, dumbass of the year

    ugh I was told it would be out this year :(
  9. Korruptive

    Alexi, dumbass of the year

    when is the new album due (estimated)
  10. Korruptive

    anyone fancy teaching me guitar?

    mind pming to me as well? please
  11. Korruptive

    anyone fancy teaching me guitar?

    are you uploading that here?
  12. Korruptive

    anyone fancy teaching me guitar?

    I got a guitar a month ago and I'm practising all the basics on this DVD I'm borrowing off my friend, and my other friend gave me a chord sheet to practise. Anyway I'm looking for some good internet resources on how to play metal and stuff I should know, so if anyone knows any, post them here...
  13. Korruptive

    CoB theme

    I can't view .ico files
  14. Korruptive

    What the fuck is this?

    Way to insult yourself. Oh, you're a guy? :lol:
  15. Korruptive

    Favourite Song?
