Recent content by Krueger-Toad & Co.

  1. Krueger-Toad & Co.

    Arch Enemy – Wages Of Sin Euro release as a double CD in March

    Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov! Vov...
  2. Krueger-Toad & Co.


    By the way, today I was informed that one of my posts were misinterpretted (the one about love). Well for those of you who misunderstood and called me a HYPOCRITE, what I MEANT was this: True love (i.e. man-woman love) existed in the past, but today, most people/men (not me) are infatuated...
  3. Krueger-Toad & Co.


    I can't believe this. The U.S. played so well against Germany, while Za Germans did nothing special; yet they came out in the end :( . Now there's no point in watching the World Cup. :lol: BOYCOTT ALL GERMAN PRODUCTS AS OF TODAY!:Shedevil:
  4. Krueger-Toad & Co.

    Your last album purchase/trade...

    Eminem - Eminem Show
  5. Krueger-Toad & Co.

    Is Pinky winky really Gay??????

  6. Krueger-Toad & Co.

    What an amazing closure!!!

    ive never really heard any opeth songs...
  7. Krueger-Toad & Co.

    Who are you and WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?

    Just answer this simple question: Who are you and WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? :confused: