What an amazing closure!!!


Apr 19, 2002
Cynic - Focus. The last song from this true classic, "How Could I"
.... the best album ending ever.
Along with Death - Symbolic (Perennial Quest), I guess. :D
Me neither... but I noticed it soooo many times with Cynic...
Suddenly I kinda realised, so I had to tell you... Just listen to it.
Damn great. I love Cynic. Intelligent stuff, progressive, far ahead!
Kewl. great.
I hated it at first... so did my metal friends. We all got used to it.
It's just that all the Cynic fans I know of really appreciate all that
stuff... also as a bit of the originality they performed...
But it's ok. :D
Just a shame if u don't like it, but that's your opinion, so...
Hopefullly it will change :)
I think Emperor's Nightside Eclipse has a good ending with Inno a Satana, and Prometheus has a good ending to the disc and Emperor's career with Thorns on my Grave, as if to remind us one last time (excluding IX Equilibrium) that they know how to create great raging black metal.

I got one of Cynic's songs - I also disliked that annoying voice that sounded like something out of a bloody daft punk song - looks like I'll get used to it though :)
Originally posted by Black Heart
If youre talking about bad vocals.....how about Spiral Architect?? eww

What about them? I thought they were weird at first, but then I
got used to them. Hey! That's also an album that took a while
to get used too. I heard many ppl say that :)
Originally posted by Black Heart
hmmm some of them
my dying bride

I love Sceptic's Universe, but the vocals...I dunno...Still havent got used to it.

Nice list there! Very nice indeed! :D