Recent content by LeafTek

  1. L

    Gibson tail piece and tension

  2. L

    Kalmah tablature...

    anyone have an tab for Alteration?
  3. L

    guitar video inside, shred

    Nice playing. How long you been playing for and what equipment you use?
  4. L

    In Flames-Soundtrack to your escape(It Leaked)

    Well I hate to break the news to you guardian of darkness, but at the gates pre-terminal spirit disease has little or next to no melody, which leads me to believe you have no idea what melody is. Besides pre terminal spirit disease material is pretty much garbage in my opinion. Sounds more...
  5. L

    In Flames-Soundtrack to your escape(It Leaked)

    Guardian of Darkness is obviously a 16 year old kid living in his parents basement trying to rebel by wrapping electrical tape around is arms and painting his face white.
  6. L

    The Quiet Place Promo My Review

    These 3 songs kickass. The music is rad, the vocals are good, riffs rock. Fuck the h8t3rs.
  7. L

    how low is low?

    I always hear about people playing with "low" action, but what is exactly considered low? My guitar is set up at 3/64 at both low and high E. Thats measured from the top of the twelfth fret to the bottom of the string. Is that low? I'm curious to know how low people keep thier action especially...
  8. L

    how low is low?

    I always hear about people playing with "low" action, but what is exactly considered low? My guitar is set up at 3/64 at both low and high E. Is that low? I'm curious to know how low people keep thier action especially if they play fast, like shred style.
  9. L

    Phat Riff w/ Flaming Keyboard solos

    Any opinions? Dog-shit? masterpiece?
  10. L

    Riff w/ keyboards made with fruity loops

    Check it out. everything done with fruity loops except for the guitars. *edit: had wrong link up there. Should work now. Anyone got any feedback? Here's one for all you clubbin foo's. And my attempt at...
  11. L

    Phat Riff w/ Flaming Keyboard solos

    Check out this awesomeness I created on fruity loops. Everything but the guitar anyway. *edit: sorry, had the wrong link up there. should work now.
  12. L

    EMG pickup problems

    I just installed an EMG 81 in the bridge, and a 85 in the neck of my gibson SG. Now the problem i have is that when i toggle between pickups with the pickup selector, I get a loud popping sound. anyone have any ideas how to correct this?
  13. L

    Young Guitar DVD TABS

    I'm looking for those tabs too.. anyone got em?
  14. L

    Portland show review!

    Anyone remember In Flames set list? It didn't seem like they played 18 or 19 songs like they have been playing, but I wasn't keeping count. Show was good, besides that you couldn't hear the vocals worth dick in the bar.
  15. L

    your guitar type,string guage,action

    Just curious what everyone has thier action set on thier guitars. Been testing out different action stettings. I have a Gibson sg standard, with 12-54 gauge strings, low E at 5/64ths high E at 3/64ths, tuned to C.