Recent content by led-ua

  1. led-ua

    I feel like it's time to do one of these again. Post your bands.

    Dysphoria (deathcore/mathcore)
  2. led-ua

    Danza 4

    Respectfully quoting Nick himself:
  3. led-ua

    I See Stars - Digital Renegade

    Low-end is massive, yeah, especially on that beloved slate snare. I feel like lots of MaxxBass was applied to make it that big.
  4. led-ua

    what Amp/Cab Sim are you using these days?

    I used ordinary PODfarm setup for this technical deathcore band, no enhancement with Metalshop engaged. Just stock Mesa with Treadplate Cab.
  5. led-ua

    Remix i did a few weeks ago.

    Wow, Within The Ruins stuff! Ballsy remix, still I like an EP version slightly more. Great work, Joshua.
  6. led-ua

    New death metal track!

    Pretty nice mix, dude! Any details on the kick/toms origin & processing?
  7. led-ua

    Aborted-esque 2003 stuff - need your input!

    Ah, thank you very much for critique! I should have mentioned few features of this recording: 1) I wasn't actually the person who programmed drums - I only got drum-tracks made in, I suppose, Addictive Drums. Velocity of all hits was 100, so I made wonders with automation and Drumagog in order...
  8. led-ua

    Aborted-esque 2003 stuff - need your input!

    Ok, dear Sirs, I've nearly finished mixing of 2 songs from friends of mine, but I definitely need fresh ears to check those mixes. The band asked me to achieve a sound of Aborted - Goremageddon (2003), which was tough. I've noticed original Aborted 2003 mixes have got a lot of scooped mids...
  9. led-ua

    old school nu metal with female vox. real drums, bass, gtrs & vox Need your advice!

    Янки все правильно говорят, главная проблем&#1072...
  10. led-ua

    Making it pro

    I demand ahjteam's opinion concerning this issue. With respect to him and others personally I find his works really-really serious (just check "An Idea to compare our mixing techniques" thread).
  11. led-ua

    Best tone so far...7170, catharsis, ezdrummer, satan...

  12. led-ua

    Best tone so far...7170, catharsis, ezdrummer, satan...

    Yup, I'd also reduce guitars level's a bit. And maybe the kick shouldn't be "in your face" that much... Still great guitar tone!
  13. led-ua

    My song "Burbank" mixed and mastered.

    Oh, dude, although I'm not into this style of music, melodies are pretty sweet. But still I must admit you should do something with kick and snare. I think kick has too much lows, therefore maybe you should use Drumagog or Aptrigga and replace AD samples with something like Andy Sneap's...
  14. led-ua

    Meshuggahish tune

    As long as I have listened to your mix a couple of times, I can honestly say that mix is really tight and well-sounding. In my opinion, your sound would be even more of Meshuggah if you lowered your tuning a little bit. Still, even with the present tuning guitars sound really good. If you allow...