Recent content by LunyAlex

  1. L

    Would greatly appreciate feedback on this mix. Low Tuned Progressive-y Metal?

    Hey, thanks for the feedback! Definitely no need to feel like a dick, haha. I know that I'm very very far away from the level required to actually successfully replicate something like Severance. Very far away. Mind if I ask what do you mean by track distortion? Is it clipping or something of...
  2. L

    Would greatly appreciate feedback on this mix. Low Tuned Progressive-y Metal?

    Hey there! Long story short: After a long pause caused by frustration and general incompetence in music production I'm back trying to create a "metal sound". I've finally come up with something that almost pleases me in very general terms and would love some outside feedback on it, as, after...
  3. L

    Looking for Mix Feedback & Mastering: Real Drums + Amp Sims

    Big improvement, I'd say. - Rhythm guitars don't sound less aggressive to me, though the highs on them weren't bothering me either. - You could leave the leads in the middle (or panned very softly) and use reverb to lift them up in the mix, or something like the Doubler plugin from Waves, or...
  4. L

    Looking for Mix Feedback & Mastering: Real Drums + Amp Sims

    Take this with many many grains of salt, as I'm not a pro by any stretch of the imagination, but here's a few observations: - The Provisional Mastering one adds a certain crispiness that IMO isn't necessary. - There's sections in the chorus 1:09 - 1:20 / 2:01 - 2:13 where the rhythm guitars...
  5. L

    Aggressive Riff (Christmas-inspired)***AXE FX II***

    Gother of Mod this Sounds So Massive! That tone is Exquisite, sir!
  6. L

    Guitar Instrumental Mix-DI's included.

    Hey Guys, I'm a bit late to the party, but here's my try on this Awesome Awesome song!
  7. L

    Need your ears - "Maintain - New Shores"

    Give a bit more definition to the kick drum maybe? Can't say whether I'd turn it up or just EQ it to cut through a bit more. Or maybe I'm just biased cause I love kick drums. Take this with a grain of salt. But everything sounds beautiful. Awesome mix. Awesome song.
  8. L

    how is this mix (instrumental prog. metal)?

    Maybe a bit of both, but for starters turn up the bass guitar and maybe eq more bass into it. I like clicky kick drums. For starters I'd just add bass. Roar it up in there.
  9. L

    Solo Bedroom Guitarist Project - Feedback much appreciated

    Thank you! Pod Farm wasn't the main plugin sadly. Usually when it was used it was with the Spinal Puppet amp, and it's own IRs. Mostly used Overloud TH2 (I personally found it the best amp sim to my tastes) with the Randal T2 model (Default IRs).
  10. L

    how is this mix (instrumental prog. metal)?

    A tiny bit more bass could, in my opinion, fit the style better. But that's a stylistic taste thing. Otherwise I find nothing to criticize. Awesome mix. Awesome music.
  11. L

    Solo Bedroom Guitarist Project - Feedback much appreciated

    Thanks for the comments! Mind if you expand the concept of humanizing the drums? Like, subtle velocity and timing offsets?
  12. L

    Help a brother out. PLEASE! Need mix feedback

    This stuff's like Mastodon meets SOAD meets Ozzy. Good stuff. Mixing wise, I'm horrible with tips on drums, so I'll just say I'd personally bring the rhythm guitars a Bit more upfront, then boost the vocals to balance that. Very organic sound. I like.
  13. L

    Solo Bedroom Guitarist Project - Feedback much appreciated

    Good Day I'm rather new to these forums, so I tip my hat to you in salutation. Long story short I've been writing songs for a few years now and started being serious about my mixing about a year ago. I've sort of been trying to write an album, slowly but surely, and now I've gotten to a point...
  14. L

    Need your opinion! LoG Style Song!

    TSE x50 is out?!?! Also I'm gonna go ahead and download your song and will layer a few prototype vocals, PM you a private link to it, see if you like it, if that's alright with you .
  15. L

    Need your opinion! LoG Style Song!

    I'm a huge LoG fan and I must say you captured the essence of their sound almost flawlessly. Mixing is probably better than anything I could do, so take my advice with a grain of salt. Bottom end of the song could be a bit higher, but just a bit. Also I THINK the guitars are a BIT too...