Recent content by Mad cow

  1. M

    What is that Dark Tranquility song that send chills down your back?

    I think it's "Through ebony archways". Not because of the lyrics, but for the feeling that surrounds the song.
  2. M

    good melodic death metal bands

    Thess aren't death metal, but it's two good bands anyway. Beneath - Trash Metal Hell n' Diesel - Unsure of what I would call this, Hard Rock and Roll maybe ;)
  3. M

    Dark Tranquillity DVD?

    Does anybody here know if there are any plans for a Dark Tranquillity DVD?
  4. M

    The most beautiful music-cover (any group/genre)

    I didn't see any topic about this, only about DT-covers so I started a new. Don't kill me for this :p I think that it is Madrigal's cover on I die, You soar.
  5. M

    The new album?

    I have a question about the new album. When can i be out in the stores. I know that they enter the studio in february.
  6. M

    The worst DT-songs

    By some reason does I have problem with the most songs on skydancer and of chaos...I don't really know why, but there are some really good songs on thoose two records. On the rest records are almost everyone extremly good. I know that I will get alot of crap by this post, but I have to say my...