Recent content by Maiden_Cali

  1. Maiden_Cali

    Irvine Roll Call

    Absolutely fantastic show. Leaving work in a few minutes to do it all over again!! I took my 2 teenage kids last night, now it's wife and cousin night.
  2. Maiden_Cali

    Irvine Tickets Sat 5/31

    I have 2 tickets available for Saturday if anyone is interested. loge 8 row jj
  3. Maiden_Cali

    Irvine Roll Call

    My wife and I will be sitting in the loge area. Yardhouse sounds cool! I also have 2 loge 8 row jj tickets available if anyone needs tickets.
  4. Maiden_Cali

    Thank You!

    I just want to thank all the girls in the band. I have been telling my 12 year daughter about you ladies for the longest time, and she finally got the chance not only to hear you, but to meet you this weekend. You took the time to talk to everyone after the show, but you made such an impression...
  5. Maiden_Cali

    Heaven & Hell roll call

    Going to the Sd show!!!!
  6. Maiden_Cali

    Get Well Sara Thread

    Best wishes Sara, and get well soon!
  7. Maiden_Cali

    Happy Birthday WANDA!

    Happy Birthday, Hope you have a wonderful day!
  8. Maiden_Cali

    Sabbath with Dio (Heaven and Hell)

    March 5, 2007 Spring US Tour Dates Announced The full slate of spring dates has been announced, along with a press release. The press release also says that Megadeth and Machine Head will be the opening acts for the shows. All the tickets for these shows go on sale March 9th (except Houston...
  9. Maiden_Cali

    Bass geeks rejoice.....New Rush CD and tour!

    I've never seen them. I will not miss them this time around.
  10. Maiden_Cali

    Iron Maidens Galaxy Theatre

    I was looking to buy tickets to Static-X at The Galaxy In Santa Ana, and much to my surprise I saw The Iron Maidens listed. Sat May 19th. I didn't see this mentioned on this site, but if I missed it sorry...
  11. Maiden_Cali

    Woohoo!! New Official Maiden Website Design...

    Good for you Khan, Nice job!!!
  12. Maiden_Cali

    Happy New Years!!

    Before I leave on vacation, I just wanted to wish everyone a safe and Happy New Years!!!!! Talk to you all in 2007. :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
  13. Maiden_Cali


    Hope you had a Happy Birthday!!!
  14. Maiden_Cali

    Happy Holidays Everyone!

    Very Nice. I want to wish the same to everyone as well. Have a safe and Happy Holiday. Ray