Recent content by maklin

  1. maklin

    CARCASS Producer COLIN RICHARDSON Quits Mixing New Album; ANDY SNEAP Steps In - Mar

    I saw an interview with both Jeff and Bill (saw it on youtube). Jeff had an interesting take on Colin handing the mix over to Andy. Not only was Colin burnt out, but he also thinks he took on the Trivium mix because he wants to get the new Slipknot mix as well (trivium and slipknot have the...
  2. maklin

    Amp Gas

    Great amp choice! Bought mine 6 months ago - honeymoon stage still going strong! I feel your pain in regards to tap dancing. Check out RJM's effects gizmo & mini effects gizmo - awesome piece of gear! Although you will need a midi controller for it. Voodo labs has a few options for pedal...
  3. maklin

    One EQ do tweak them both?...or..

    Why i never thought of taking this approach is beyond me...I have always been doing one or the other. :goggly: Thanks for the tip!
  4. maklin

    One EQ do tweak them both?...or..

    Why i never thought of taking this approach is beyond me... Thanks for the tip!
  5. maklin

    One EQ do tweak them both?...or..

    Very true, if it sounds good...then well, do it! I was just curious if other people do the same thing.
  6. maklin

    One EQ do tweak them both?...or..

    A question for all you guitar tone gurus... If you have two rhythm guitars (panned hard L & R), and both are using the same amp sim (or amp), is it ok to use one EQ to tweak both of them. For example, in Logic Pro X you take both tracks and merge them to a summoning track stack, then process...
  7. maklin

    Break Your Legs - first serious EP production

    I can dig it! Really enjoyed the tune. :rock:
  8. maklin

    Just got Pod Farm. Here is my first mix test

    I use the criminal as well, takes a bit of work to get the sound you want (impulses are a must). Pretty decent sound you got going there!
  9. maklin

    First serious attempt at recording a song

    So i have messed around with recording for a little while, but have never put a lot of effort into it. This is my first attempt at actually getting a good sound. The track volume drops off at a few point because I am using demo plugins that cut the sound now and again until you buy the full...