Recent content by marshmallow

  1. M

    Live DVD/CD "Welcome to Atlanta" is out now!

    I don't usually buy DVDs but this is a must get for sure! Also, cutting out some of the interludes, you guys definitely would have time for some more, but honestly, there's no complaints any which way.
  2. M

    This voice sounds a little familiar...

    Actually, I think I recall someone actually introducing Arjen to SW on his Facebook or Twitter or something asking him regarding that because Mercy Falls was a somewhat similar story to The Human Equation, and Arjen said something like "Hmm, I wonder where they got that idea. I'll check them...
  3. M

    Question for band regarding length of MF

    I wondered that myself. Chances are though if there were any cuts, they were either cut for a reason or put into consideration for later work. My guess is it was likely coincidence, especially because Back In Time could easily have been trimmed down if they were pressed for space, but wasnt...
  4. M

    'TIARA' is out now - 12/10/18!

    a bit Heavier, you say? Sounds great :muahaha:
  5. M

    Tommy: Kamelot's videos 'Sacrimony' and 'My Confession' both on page 3)

    ^ Well of course they do at times, its not like Kamelot invited a smooth Jazz singer to sing for them, why would they have brought Tommy on if they didnt think he could continue where Khan left off? Another part of it i guess is the lows, during the heavy verses he sings quite low, something...
  6. M

    Tommy: Kamelot's videos 'Sacrimony' and 'My Confession' both on page 3)

    A few people seem to be saying, "oh he sounds too much like Khan" or "he doesn't sound like he does in Seventh Wonder" on youtube. I think honestly it's largely the music going on in the background that makes the difference most of these people think, I've heard Tommy hit all these notes before...
  7. M

    Tommy joins Kamelot: official statements!

    And a new wave of people listening to Seventh Wonder for the first time has officially begun. Looking forward to the new stuff and hopefully seeing them live on the NA Tour. But I'm glad to know you're still sticking with SW :D
  8. M

    Tommy: Kamelot's videos 'Sacrimony' and 'My Confession' both on page 3)

    I don't doubt Tommy's ability to work with both, and as a big fan of Kamelot (2nd only to SW), this excites me greatly.
  9. M


    If I recall correctly, Circus Maximus made a live DVD though, and SW did play in Progpower (with them), plus so it's not entirely out of question for SW to as well.
  10. M

    Has anyone read Aniara?

    The cheapest ive ever seen a copy go for was 45$ and im not wealthy , but I would love to read it. The stuff I have read is awesome and the sog did it justice. Am i the only one who finds it ironic that a song about pretty much being trapped for the rest of their lives is called The Great Escape?
  11. M

    In The Blink Of An Eye 2011

    lol, that's just mean :grin: to make a revamped version of the best song off of Become and not release it where anyone else can buy it at a reasonable price :eek:
  12. M

    Expectations for new releases in 2012

    Not so sure about Threshold (i'm still a bit bitter about Mac's death), but I do like Wilson as well. Looking forward to Circus Maximus though. And as always, if SW decides to step into the studio, I'll be sure to set aside 15$ for awhile :D
  13. M

    The Great Escape

    I havent listened to it as much as the others, but I still love TGE. Its weird, I listened to the title track many many times, but I only just now found out what it was really all about (Aniara...which I now want to go find and read. Too bad it's very hard to actually find it printed in english...
  14. M

    No SW at Fused Festival 2012..

    That's a bit of a downer about the show, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with putting family at the top of your priority list Johan. I'm an uncle myself and I know that the little ones come first!
  15. M

    In the spotlight (part 5): Johnny Sandin and Stefan Norgren

    I can say this much about Stefan: if he was able to learn a majority of the SW catalog in as short of an amount of time as he seems to have been given...he has some real skill! I've been listening to Seventh Wonder for well over 2 years now and the only song I can play (I'm a drummer) is Welcome...