Recent content by Milk is Good

  1. M


    Why dear god why? Here's an extremely talented band with a sound all of their own, and you want them to become just another technical deathmetal band? I reckon we have quite enough of those as it is. Now, don't get me wrong, am I big, even húge fan of deathmetal and have been so for many years...
  2. M

    give me some harsh death

    try Lykathea Aflame, awesome technical death/grind with a lot of atmosphere. Sounds like a combo of Cryptopsy during None so Vile and Nile style atmospherics, but then stronger and more entangled within the music.... Lykathea's only album to date is called "Elvenefris" and is, IMO, essential.
  3. M

    Relapse message board finally back up....

    about damn time.... check
  4. M

    which Katatonia to buy?

    If you like "Brave Murder Day" you're probably better off buying the two October Tide albums ("Rain without end" & "Grey dawn"). That band consist of the two most prominent Katatonia members (Jonas Renske & Fredrik Norrman) and sounds exactly like Katatonia used to on "Brave Murder Day"...
  5. M

    Rotting Christ

    "Triarchy of the lost Lovers" is surely my favorite.... though "A dead poem" is excellent as well. their older stuff was more barbaric, brutal and cool in its own way, esspecially "Thy Mighty Contract", but not réally spectacular. "Sleep o/t Angels" and "Khronos" don't do anything for me as they...
  6. M

    best deathmetal albums ever

    OK, I'm a HUGE deathmetal fan and I'd like to hear your opinion on what are the best deathmetal records ever.... here's my top "whatever-number" in random order: - Malevolent Creation - Retribution (just so fucking energetic) - Morbid Angel - Blessed Are the Sick (dark and moody all the...
  7. M

    Does anyone know Lykathea Aflame?

    Has anyone on this board ever heard of Lykathea Aflame? These Czechs play something as brutal and technical as "None So Vile"-era Cryptopsy mixed with an amazing Nile-esque atmosphere times 10. Everyone even remotely into one of these two bands MUST at least listen once to Lykathea Aflame's...