Recent content by Mirswith

  1. Mirswith

    Headway Festival broadcasted live on

    Someone tell me how Ice Age was.....I've loved their music for quite some time. Todd
  2. Mirswith

    Ultimate Guitarists Poll

    Frank Zappa
  3. Mirswith

    Web Albums

    Patience.....the most difficult of things to be! OK....I'll try!! :erk:
  4. Mirswith

    Web Albums

    Does anyone know when Devin intends to put the 2 web-only ablums on his site? I plan on giving at least oine fo them a spin. Anyone else? Todd
  5. Mirswith

    Everyone don't like Dream Theater!

    Hey there. I've been a long time lurker here. I must say, I'm a huge DT fan. Ijust saw them in Frankfurt, and theu rocked (Portnoy is a monster!). I surprised more folks don't like Train of Thought. I thought the heavier style would appeal to more progpower fans. Oh well. Each to their...