Recent content by Mischief

  1. M

    Mayones Masterbuilt Regius Pro $3800 OBO

    Up for sale is a lovely Mayones masterbuilt guitar, excellent condition, formerly owned by a famous artist. These guitars have sold on ebay for more than the asking price, so $3800 is quite reasonable. PM me for more details.
  2. M

    Do I even count as a "Metalhead"

    Hahaha that song made laugh..
  3. M

    Do I even count as a "Metalhead"

    Part of me wants to agree, and the other part of me agrees with that last part two, and the other part of me is clearly overthinking it, for the sake of pure curiosity.. I was just curious if anyone had any thoughts.. This also qualifies as a warning, if anyone ever says "Wait, do you even...
  4. M

    Do I even count as a "Metalhead"

    Hmm, okiday.. Naturally, by the very fact I question my capability of holding the title, I would lean toward no.. That being said, I'll explain momentarily. The argument: For: I like well written solos (Gorod's Disavow Your God is beautiful) I like heavy, crushingly heavy music. (Note, I...
  5. M

    Post pictures of your Gear and Guitars!!

    Hmm nothing to post so far, but hopefully this fall I should be doing some major acquisitions. Long story short, I've been working hard, and I should be receiving a nice payoff for that work, this fall. If everything works as it should, I'll be buying a nice chunk of gear. Currently I'm in the...
  6. M

    Death Metal

    I don't really listen to death metal.. Well, I'm fairly new to it. After hearing quite a bit that I was indifferent about, I finally found the one.. Gorod
  7. M


    2/10 Yeah.. Really just not feeling that one. Sorry
  8. M

    Helloo everyone, from.. Texas?

    Okay, I think I should start by stating that I haven't joined any of the million different forums that I would read posts on (Googling about), until now. Honestly, I not entirely sure why I signed up. I have a very complicated view on metal.. In general, I'm not entirely sold on the concept...