Recent content by Molag Bal

  1. Molag Bal

    stefan86's offtopic random retard thread - post away!

    whoa this place is a dump
  2. Molag Bal

    The Rap thread

    Fat jon and Big L are my favs
  3. Molag Bal

    Varg Vikernes was released on parole

    Didn't he kill somebody? =/
  4. Molag Bal

    Have you ever?

    you probably have MS, sorry dude :(
  5. Molag Bal

    EXIVIOUS - featuring members of CYNIC & TEXTURES

    any word on those lead sheets?
  6. Molag Bal

    Albums that other people don't seem to get

    i like pat metheny's smooth jazz stuff, im not sure if this counts because i dont know everyone's opinion. but in general people look down on smooth jazz
  7. Molag Bal


    thanks prophet! i have listened to it all yet but i like the soft, synthy sort of parts on ghost key, so ill probably go with in the absence of truth next, and then try oceanic ive heard of of the band pelican so ill probably give them a try too, since you said they were more mellow-focused
  8. Molag Bal


    thanks prophet, btw is the red sea any good? btw i enjoy songs like the ghost key from the wavering radiant, i really enjoy playing the pentatonic licks at the start (they sound pentatonic, not 100% sure) i mean i like the start of ghost key with the weird synth sounds, before the vocals...
  9. Molag Bal


    Best album to buy from them? i seek opinions and justification :D ive only heard a bit of wavering radiant, how does this compare?
  10. Molag Bal

    Michael Jackson is dead

    i love arasmas lol, such a controversial figure however he has contributed to this forum also hexwind, i dont understand your meaning. murderers and rapists and the like deserve respect because they are human? i think thats a weak argument. i think that respect is something that is...
  11. Molag Bal

    playing of metal in public?

    ^ Right here, listen to this guy
  12. Molag Bal

    Australian Death Metal

    sydney has its fair share of retards too maybe more than its fair share
  13. Molag Bal

    Favourite guitar brand?

  14. Molag Bal

    Top 10 Newer Albums of the Past Decade that have changed you.

    in no order rocket science (2000) tribal tech play (1999) mike stern it's all around you (2004) tortoise live in your head (2006) don ross annihilation of the wicked (2005) nile metheny/mehldau quartet (2007) pat metheny / brad mehldau + others meditation (released 2002, recorded in the...