Recent content by moose209

  1. moose209

    OT (ish) MAXON OD-820 for sale plus the dreaded sonic maximizer!

    :lol: Guys my apologies if this is in the wrong section but check out my page link below, I have a barely used OD820, that rocks, but as I am a bass player in TesseracT I have no real need for it at the moment and whisky is expensive nowadays...
  2. moose209

    Quick MAXON OD820 question!!!

    Darn - and I have one for sale too: Its a great unit btw:lol:
  3. moose209

    Anyone seen Transformers yet?

    Personally I can't wait for the simpsons movie - " spider pig, spider pig" Some low tech high script action there! Although I'm sure it was all done on a computer...
  4. moose209

    TesseracT july update

    TesseracT Jam with Stef Broks from Textures - 12 July 2007 I haven't been here in ages - I can't tell you guys what a great forum this is for everyone to start their steps in the world of recording and self producing. Keep it up boys! As with everything it ain't the bible but as a resource...
  5. moose209

    But how do you record bass guitar?

    I assume seizure means the same presence peak in the mic? The reason why I find d112's dull is beacuse they are muffled, worse still would be a re-20 they are even boomier. I wanna try a sm7b at high volume about 2 feet away I reckon that would have real weight to it.
  6. moose209

    TesseracT Recording @ London Sphere Studios (Neve 72 track!!!)

    pleasant:p thanks guys
  7. moose209

    TesseracT Recording @ London Sphere Studios (Neve 72 track!!!)

    I'm interested, from what you've heard guys, what would you call us...expects barrage of shit, turd, and possibly nu-metal, :lol:
  8. moose209

    But how do you record bass guitar?

    sm57 is great for a tight sound. But about a meter or so from the cab so you get some weight to it. IMO weight comes from the room around it, but thats just imo. A DI is useful, but instead of aligning in you daw or blending levels why not just treat it as either your top end or bottom end of...
  9. moose209

    Drummers and click tracks... do they go together?

    As a bassist who used to be a drummer in ensembles and orchestras when he was a kid, I found it very hard playing to a click, unless it was visual. A drum tutor I had set up a tuner, you know the cool korg style Cylon chromatic rack unit ones, just out of my vision, in peripheral vision, and...
  10. moose209

    Phasing??? wha the #^^@%#^&%!!!

    Really well put JBroll. I'm sure I'm not alone when I say you can normally feel phase problems,well in some cases it'll give me a momentary pain, like a rapid change in air pressure, which is exactly what it is. For example when you flip the phase of one overhead against the other. In a...
  11. moose209

    TesseracT Recording @ London Sphere Studios (Neve 72 track!!!)

    I suppose we should get used to being likened to meshuggah hey:lol: To be fair it's what brought us guys together, then things like pink floyd then bands like textures, tool and the like so I am happy to be seen following that path. But I reckon the album will suprise all of you, very...
  12. moose209

    mono compatability

    Mono can also help you see where instruments are interacting in the spectrum. We notice this interaction in the higher frequencies more because their cycles are quicker than down low. As there is a lot of information up there you could cut an octave on one guitar by 3db or so and then do an...
  13. moose209

    mono compatability

    regardless of all the geeky shit (phase coherancy), I use the mono button to see what happens to my mixes when someone listening to them fucks the listening environment up. Some people do stack speakers on top of eachother or have them 15ft apart. But with everybody listening through an ipod...
  14. moose209

    OT : Brett is this you? It looks like you :D

    Duuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrttttttyyyyyyyyyyy boys:lol:
  15. moose209

    TesseracT Recording @ London Sphere Studios (Neve 72 track!!!)

    I'm sure he'd be pleased to do that! One birrion dorrar per track, we need some cash to do the album in a fat studio. Its more to do with your sampler and or editor. Using dfhs for the demo's ourselves means that you can program the sampler to choose randomly one of the 20 or so hard...