Recent content by mutilated_mistress

  1. M

    Why do Women Hate Metal- or any other complex music?

    im a female metalhead i love heavy music and i love having discussions about music with other metalheads i do agree that finding another female to talk with about music in terms of production, and discussing views about how each instrument sounds on an album is an extremly difficult task so i...
  2. M

    What is your favourite Death album??

    Mine is either Scream Bloody Gore or Human i cant decide
  3. M

    Favorite Genre Of METAL

    both sexes can enjoy every type of metal!! My favourites black, as for thrash being a hard mans music what about the women into thrash!!
  4. M

    Does Norway produce any well known Metal bands other than Black Metal bands?

    could i possibly have a copy of that list when you do it??
  5. M

    Heavy Metal Chicks! Am I the only one?!

    i love death/black and gothic metal and i grew up in the 90's and im a chick and nearly your age (17)
  6. M

    Without Face

    that sounds excellent ill check them out thans for the information ++xMMx++
  7. M

    Without Face

    Thanks ++xMMx++
  8. M

    Without Face

    Hi ya I am new and I was wondering if anyone knows what has happened to the band without face?? I started listening to them a few months ago but i cannot find out about anything they have been doing recently. Did the band split?? If anyone knows please tell me ++xMMx++