Recent content by Naraithsil

  1. N

    If you could....

    Thanks guys :)
  2. N

    If you could....

    I know that hardcore sound wont appeal to most people, but unfortunately its the only way we can have those vox, but i appreciate the input :)
  3. N

    If you could....

    What do you reckon its lacking? Gain or like... mids or highs etc? Thanks for the feedback :)
  4. N

    If you could....

    What would be the first few things you would change in this mix.... <Taken down, got some things to work from now Thanks everyone :D> Thanks :)
  5. N

    Looking for a new amp

    While im on the subject..... if anyones looking to sell a 5150 combo, im willing to pay up to about 700 depending on condition, tubes, speakers etc :)
  6. N

    Looking for a new amp

    Okay cheers guys :D
  7. N

    Looking for a new amp

    I have about 500 pounds to spend on a new combo amp ^_^ I was looking at possibly a second hand 5150 combo, those amps sound really nice if i recall.. Are there any amps i should really be considering? I can go upto probably 700 because im selling my current stack in order to get a smaller...
  8. N

    Nevermore guitar sound

    I have to say, i dont see why theres all this doubting of a gt-6's ability! I own a gt-6 and personally i think theyre brilliant, if you sit down with it you can probably make all the tones the xt can do
  9. N

    Criticise this project.

    The drums were actually direct, Roland TD-12 -- Nice piece of kit ;) The guitars were infact done with a Nady DM70 I think Terabyte misread your post Dreathus. But no matter :)
  10. N

    Feedback on mix?

    Hypersonic is a midi drum machine by Steinberg, i wrote the drum track in the midi editor in cubase, set its output to hypersonic (which was on the patch '21st century drums' i think) There were no effects applied to the drums i dont think, so maybe i'll have to sort the frequencies with some...
  11. N

    Feedback on mix?

    Thanks man, appreciated :)
  12. N

    Feedback on mix?

    only a short clip, has no bass in it either, just wanted to know what you guys think of the levels and tones and ermmm, also whether the frequencies are right, ive noticed turning some of my mixes up loud makes the speaker cones move really noticably ! :S Anyway heres the clip Specs------...
  13. N

    Electric drums

    Were recorded from a Roland TD-12 V-Stage kit :) Directly from the outputs into an M-Audio solo box, into cubase 3 Thanks for the feedback dude :D Were thinking of maybe triggering using midi to blend some of andys samples (cause they fookin rule!)
  14. N

    Electric drums

    Heya guys, drummer started recording some tracks on saturday, could you post feedback on what you think might need to change when we come to mixing? Also please post anything you dont like about them at all, better to sort it out now, than to try to do it after...
  15. N

    Roland TD-12

    Thanks for the advice, i'll keep that in mind when we come to recording :)