Recent content by NaughtySealAudio

  1. NaughtySealAudio

    Introducing Perfect Drums! The innovative virtual drum instrument and sampler.

    Hey guys! Hope you are all doing fine! Just to keep you updated, we are moving on with the update and the massive library expansion. This is gonna be HUGE. We had luck gathering some very unique and fantastic rare drum kits and instruments, and tailored with an amazing studio facility we got...
  2. NaughtySealAudio

    Introducing Perfect Drums! The innovative virtual drum instrument and sampler.

    Right. You can create your instruments from your own wav samples only in the full version of PD. Player is there to let anyone load those instruments. We will remove those inactive + - buttons, they are causing some confusion.
  3. NaughtySealAudio

    Introducing Perfect Drums! The innovative virtual drum instrument and sampler.

    Perfect Drums MIDI notes operation range is C0-C5 so you can't pick up the negative octave notes. But all the others are available, unless any of them are already used by some other instruments/articulations (those notes will be highlighted in red). In that case you may try building your map...
  4. NaughtySealAudio

    Introducing Perfect Drums! The innovative virtual drum instrument and sampler.

    Weird thing.. You should be able to set the Sampler instruments midi notes to any of the ones used for the factory instruments and layer them that way with ease. just like Ola show's. I sent you a private message, let's discuss it there.
  5. NaughtySealAudio

    Introducing Perfect Drums! The innovative virtual drum instrument and sampler.

    Are you using the PD Player? It does not allow you to import your own samples, it's only for loading the instruments already created in the full version of Perfect Drums. So in order to create your instrument using your own wav/aif files you need the full version.
  6. NaughtySealAudio

    Introducing Perfect Drums! The innovative virtual drum instrument and sampler.

    Perfect Drums review by Ola Englund is up now!
  7. NaughtySealAudio

    Introducing Perfect Drums! The innovative virtual drum instrument and sampler.

    Hey guys! Just to let you know that Perfect Drums TCI is out now. As you may get from the name it's about to be used with the Slate Digital TRIGGER software, for those who requested. It contains 22 instruments from the Perfect Drums factory library: 4 kick drums 6 snare drums 12 toms (4 full...
  8. NaughtySealAudio

    Introducing Perfect Drums! The innovative virtual drum instrument and sampler.

    Thanks! That's what we are currently doing ;) we'll see how it goes! For those who are playing with the demo kit we have created a bunch of MIDI maps, based on some of the popular VI's out there. So if you got used to some of...
  9. NaughtySealAudio

    Introducing Perfect Drums! The innovative virtual drum instrument and sampler.

    Hi guys! We have made a DEMO kit for you to try in the PD Player. You can download it following the link below: Just unzip it and open the containing ".pdpk" file in PD Player using the "Load Player Kit" command in the...
  10. NaughtySealAudio

    Introducing Perfect Drums! The innovative virtual drum instrument and sampler.

    Hi, Bob! Thanks for feedback! Yes, we are working on the "X-PADS" for the Drums section right now, that will enable you to load several instruments per kit peace at the same time (e.g. 2 kick drums or several snare drums). It will be there in the nearest update! Regarding the MIDI note...
  11. NaughtySealAudio

    Introducing Perfect Drums! The innovative virtual drum instrument and sampler.

    You can see Sampler in action at this part of the walkthrough video: Sampler, alllowing you to create instruments comes with the full version of Perfect Drums. The free Player version is there to let anyone load and use the instruments, created in the full version. So when creating your...
  12. NaughtySealAudio

    Introducing Perfect Drums! The innovative virtual drum instrument and sampler.

    What Is Perfect Drums? Perfect Drums is the innovative virtual drum instrument, featuring an intelligent sampling engine, that enables anyone to create unique multi-sampled instruments and share them in an easy and convenient way. The Drums First of all Perfect Drums gives you some of the best...