Recent content by nick viagra

  1. nick viagra

    ZERO HOUR Announces new Lead Singer - sound clip available

    yup thats him, been jammin with him since 89ish. he was one of the guitar players in destiny's void, and the only guitar player in our band "picture this" for over ten years, before i moved to houston.
  2. nick viagra

    ZERO HOUR Announces new Lead Singer - sound clip available

    this IS fred. how have all you been.] been kinda layin low, but keeping my eye on the forum here. first thing i would like to say is that it was awesome to be able to record an album with the zh boys. :rock: they ARE as nice as everyone sais they are. and i am happy they are off and...
  3. nick viagra


    FAGS :loco: :cry:
  4. nick viagra

    Jasun and Troy endorsed by Manne Guitars

    dude, thats fuckin sweet :rock: wheres mine??? :cool:
  5. nick viagra

    this is funny
  6. nick viagra

    Question for Fred

    hey hawk, when i say meaner, i meant that the vox would be a little meaner, not the lyrics, a little more grit, not much, just a touch. a little more " in your face". the lyrics are not "mean" at all.....hmmmm........well maybe one song.haha... you will see. there are no drastic changes in zero...
  7. nick viagra

    Question for Fred

    I am glad you asked hawk. well, without giving out too many goodies, let me tell you a little about the lyrics. when the boys first came to me and asked me to start penning lyrics to their already written music, i noticed that the new material was a little different than before...
  8. nick viagra

    hey, I'm the new guy

    wow, zero hour has some top notch fans and friends. :Spin: Thanx for all the positive feedback. I am excited to tell you that I will be flying out to california to track my vox in early november. With any luck, it will only take one trip, not because I don't like flying to my home state, but...
  9. nick viagra

    hey, I'm the new guy

    whats up all? my name is fred marshall. well, it looks like i got the gig... yeah!!!!! :rock: I flew out to cali this past week, and got together with the band for our first practice, and man did it rock, those guys shred. i am so stoked about recording this next album, and cant wait to get...