whats up all? my name is fred marshall. well, it looks like i got the gig... yeah!!!!!

I flew out to cali this past week, and got together with the band for our first practice, and man did it rock, those guys shred. i am so stoked about recording this next album, and cant wait to get into the studio.
Let me tell you all a little about myself. I was born in covina ca. and later moved up to chico ca. Did a little time in the navy
which was four of the six of us that were in the void. again ....played locally
put out two long discs, and finally after about 6 years, we pulled the plug.
Then I moved to houston tx, three years ago. and joined an all covers band called "the dogz".

mainly cause i was bored as fuck, but it turned out to be alot of fun, and helped supliment my income, so i rolled with that for over two years, till it became more of a hastle than an experience. :hotjump:
then i got a call from troy, who remembered me from destiny's void, and wanted to know, could i write some lyrics and melody's for what might be the fourth album, i said "fuck yeah" so they sent me some material that they had been working on, and i was blown away!!!! so i went right to work, and about two hundred hours on the phone later, with lyrical corrections, and ideas flying off the wall, they call me and ask me if i want to track over the already recorded material for the THIRD album

Let me say, that i never really got to hear eric's vox before all this, but i have heard alot of it since this all started, and he is a phenominal vocalist, and i am sure you will miss him alot.
I am a huge fan of fates warning, queensryche, crimson glory, nevermore, sanctuary, dream theatre, etc...all that. and while i did form my vocals around all those bands. i don't think i sound like one guy in particular.
I know the guys are going into the studio this month to track three or four songs, and then by the end of the month, or early next month, i will fly out and lay down my tracks. The guys are working feverishly to get out an awesome album, as quick as they can without compromising the quality of the recording. the lyrics are written and the recording dates are set, so get ready for the third zero hour album........ "A FRAGILE MIND"