Recent content by Ninja

  1. Ninja

    Metallica - St. Anger (Album)

    I'll keep my review brief. St Inker. :)
  2. Ninja

    Best of Slayer

    I agree with IcedMadness. However, for those without a CD/MP3 player, just copy Reign In Blood twice onto a blank CD. The best album ever recorded. Never bettered. :)
  3. Ninja

    METALLICA Producer Speaks Out On 'St. Anger' Sound

    Looks like Lars and the boys have a found a way to stop people file sharing their music. Release an album with fucking awful production and shit songs. Get James back on the sauce and maybe we'll get something half decent from them in the future. :)
  4. Ninja

    What album are you listening to right now?

    Testament - First Strike Still Deadly. Chuck Billy is God. :notworthy
  5. Ninja

    Best Thrash Singer

    Apologies if I've re-opened an old discussion. I'm new to this board. :grin:
  6. Ninja

    Best Thrash Singer

    How would you define "thrash" then G.O.D.? If Battery and Damage Inc. ain't thrash then what is? In my opinion, Metallica ceased to be a thrash band somewhere around the time of the black album but I'd still give them credit as one of the pioneers of thrash. God rest their money grabbin' souls.
  7. Ninja

    Best Thrash Singer

    Forgot about John Cyriis. Unstoppable Force is a must for any collection. While I'm here, whatever happened to Sy Keeler, vocalist with UK thrash Gods Onslaught? Now there was the voice of an angel. :D
  8. Ninja

    Best Thrash Singer

    Who would you say has the best vocal chords in thrash? For me, it's neck and neck between Tom Araya and Chuck Billy.
  9. Ninja

    Best Testament Album

    It's The Legacy for me although The New Order isn't far off.
  10. Ninja

    Thrash Albums - Hidden Gems

    Testament - The Legacy Exodus - Fabulous Disaster Flotsam & Jetsam - Doomsday For The Deceiver Classics all three. Ninja
  11. Ninja

    Tournament for Saxon Best Song - The semifinals(fourth round)

    Has to be Heavy Metal Thunder and 747 (Strangers In The Night). Which of these two would win in the final, that's just too close to call and I'd need some time to ponder over. Ninja