Recent content by NoLifeTillLeather

  1. N

    Best Metal Cities/Towns/Areas (Countries)

    "flower metal".. oh yeah you mean that type of metal that requires skill to play. i like my black metal but id never join a black metal band. i did not ask for douchebaggery in the thread. thats why i thought that maybe norway wasnt the best place ^^
  2. N

    Best Metal Cities/Towns/Areas (Countries)

    Who, me or ? (Im from England, incase it was directed to me :P) However i do know most of the French black metal musicians are underground. Whiskey Funeral, what kind of metal are these? Im not a big one on my USA metal affairs right now, so was wondering what these guys tend to play...
  3. N

    Best Metal Cities/Towns/Areas (Countries)

    Narrows down my search a bit then i guess. Seems like Chicago and Tampa are good places... Just need some places in Germany and Sweden to check out any ideas people?
  4. N

    Best Metal Cities/Towns/Areas (Countries)

    As i thought, Germany and Italy seem to be good places. Cant say id know much about areas though. Anybody know any notable places ? or places of interest?
  5. N

    Best Metal Cities/Towns/Areas (Countries)

    I see what you mean, but, the metal scene there isnt too cracking, as the Power Quest turn up wasn't so great (now i hope i dont get flamed for saying that as i do know power quest dont account for the whole metal scene!). I know places like Germany, Sweden and Japan are good but was looking...
  6. N

    Power Quest & Dean Guitars

    Ah right, not seen any band pictures since like Neverworld and never really looked on the Dean website so came as quite a surprise to me !
  7. N

    Best Metal Cities/Towns/Areas (Countries)

    Is it mostly a death metal city? I love Obituary but couldn't really see myself getting far in that scene :p
  8. N

    Best Metal Cities/Towns/Areas (Countries)

    Sounds like a good place, but, are the bands mostly Thrash or Death? Im going to go for a power metal-style, not cheese metal though, kind of like some of the "true" metal from the 80s but a bit refurbished :p... And also, i dunno why i didnt think of Japan! I know there are a lot of really...
  9. N

    Best Metal Cities/Towns/Areas (Countries)

    Was one of my primary choices, cant say i know a lot about Germany though !
  10. N

    Best Metal Cities/Towns/Areas (Countries)

    Colombia wouldnt be too good, as im not into getting killed by drug lords. Now as much as i do like black metal France seems kinda lame, partly because i dont fancy joining LLN. Scandanavia sounds good but, obviously needs to be honed in a bit. You think Chicago is a good place then...
  11. N

    Best Metal Cities/Towns/Areas (Countries)

    If the title is a bit confusing i'll clear it up, shortly i am embarking on an epic quest (i'll stop the power metal style typing and spare you some reading ^^). I'm looking for some metal towns and whatnot (the best, i suppose) to go for a holiday and to show my guitar skills to try and find...
  12. N

    Power Quest & Dean Guitars

    I was just wondering, what was with the switch to Dean? Who approached who and what not? :P
  13. N

    Tour Report - December 5th-9th

    Was a good gig down Wakefield. Definetly want to see you guys there again xD
  14. N

    Wakefield Show

    Yeah, didn't really mean that they were the "B", just in the vain of it xD. That book looks awesome, is there a version of the e-Book somewhere? :P
  15. N

    Wakefield Show

    That is what it seems like. Why would you add it in the same sentence (well not necessarily you, but the OP) if that wasnt the intention. People like different stuff and doesnt make you less belonging at a power metal gig, because you dont like a heavy metal band =) But Jag Panzer were...