Best Metal Cities/Towns/Areas (Countries)

Jan 15, 2008
If the title is a bit confusing i'll clear it up, shortly i am embarking on an epic quest (i'll stop the power metal style typing and spare you some reading ^^). I'm looking for some metal towns and whatnot (the best, i suppose) to go for a holiday and to show my guitar skills to try and find some foreign people in the metal scene. In England its pretty crappy, or at least in my area, and was wanting to go to Sweden, Germany or Norway (or America) to find some fellow metalheads to start a band, or at least jam [as i am getting sick of England].

Anyway, if you got ideas, shoot!

Thanks for reading !
One of the few advantages of living in Chicago is that we get alot of metal shows here. If I lived in the southeast of the US I'd blow my brains out...they barely get anything lol
Colombia wouldnt be too good, as im not into getting killed by drug lords.

Now as much as i do like black metal France seems kinda lame, partly because i dont fancy joining LLN.

Scandanavia sounds good but, obviously needs to be honed in a bit.

One of the few advantages of living in Chicago is that we get alot of metal shows here. If I lived in the southeast of the US I'd blow my brains out...they barely get anything lol

You think Chicago is a good place then? :p Got many metal bars or just shows?
Chicago. There are a few metal bars, but having an all-metal music store (Metal Haven) is the best part. It's not unusual to run into guys from Nachtmystium, November's Doom, The Chasm, or other local bands. Touring bands frequently come by to visit. There are also just lots of metal people. It's not hard to find local metal musicians at all.
Chicago. There are a few metal bars, but having an all-metal music store (Metal Haven) is the best part. It's not unusual to run into guys from Nachtmystium, November's Doom, The Chasm, or other local bands. Touring bands frequently come by to visit. There are also just lots of metal people. It's not hard to find local metal musicians at all.

Sounds like a good place, but, are the bands mostly Thrash or Death? Im going to go for a power metal-style, not cheese metal though, kind of like some of the "true" metal from the 80s but a bit refurbished :p...

And also, i dunno why i didnt think of Japan! I know there are a lot of really good guys out there though