Best Metal Cities/Towns/Areas (Countries)

If some british dude just showed up in my metal pub and said he wanted to be friends and jam and shit, I'd probably be sceptical. Then again, we Norwegians aren't exactly renowned for our hospitality.
this thread has moved away from your flower metal needs, tbh

"flower metal".. oh yeah you mean that type of metal that requires skill to play. i like my black metal but id never join a black metal band. i did not ask for douchebaggery in the thread.

If some british dude just showed up in my metal pub and said he wanted to be friends and jam and shit, I'd probably be sceptical. Then again, we Norwegians aren't exactly renowned for our hospitality.

thats why i thought that maybe norway wasnt the best place ^^
Gothenburg in Sweden.
I think a lot of thrash bands come from the Ruhr area in Germany.
Boston has a lot of metal but it's shitty metal.
Really, any major city you go to should have a metal scene. Gothenburg is the only one I can think of that's really famous. And LA, obviously. Maybe New York, too.
Holy shit, and I thought living here sucked :lol: Here's not too good either, most stores only carry maintream bullshit, with a couple odd albums here and there. The T-shirt comment is surprising though, I expected more from France. Out of curiosity, where do you live?

I live in the Champagne region about 2 hours east of Paris. Fuck all but endless stretches of fields and a few small cities. My jaw dropped today when I saw that Dew Scented and God Dethroned are touring to my town.

The thing that kills me most is the commercial radio. They seriously must have a library of only 20 songs and play them over and over. I obviously don't listen to the radio but it's everywhere, every shop, every radio station, every person's house, the same 20 songs over and over.
Umeå has a pretty impressive scene in both metal and hardcore and indie music for being a relatively small town of 100.000 people. Better than most million-cities in the world. I can't imagine another town with a more dense metal population.
I doubt it if we're talking metal musician percentage, Helsinki is five times bigger mind you. When you drive through Umeå you see metalheads everywhere.