Best Metal Cities/Towns/Areas (Countries)

Birmingham of course, Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Led Zeppelin and Napalm Death. That doesn't mean i want to live in Birmingham though, i don't understand why you'd wanna move to a place just because you like the music they have, you can still listen to them wherever you are.
Birmingham of course, Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Led Zeppelin and Napalm Death. That doesn't mean i want to live in Birmingham though, i don't understand why you'd wanna move to a place just because you like the music they have, you can still listen to them wherever you are.

I see what you mean, but, the metal scene there isnt too cracking, as the Power Quest turn up wasn't so great (now i hope i dont get flamed for saying that as i do know power quest dont account for the whole metal scene!). I know places like Germany, Sweden and Japan are good but was looking for confirmation and maybe some specific places to check out...

Ill have to look into Tampa though
London, England.

Might not have many really good bands coming out of it but as far as tours go it's definitely one of the best places to be.
Germany and Italy are underrated in terms of metal production. I suppose Italy is much more underrated than Germany is, considering the popularity of German thrash. I also find Southern European/Mediterranean metal to be underrated as a whole; the focus always seems to be on Northern Europe. Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Greece all have some great bands, particularly in extreme metal.
Absolutely but most of it is made by dudes in their own basement and most of them have a hell of time trying to get label support. Quality shit like Belenos for example. In six months here, I'm yet to buy an album from a store, because I haven't found anything beyond the Virgin-type bullshit, and there's not even an alternative (metal or not) radio station. Even rock music is practically foreign here. I don't live in Paris and I guess there is some sort of scene there, as well as the other major centres, but it's certainly a lot more hidden than any other place I've been. For example, I don't think I've seen a single metal t-shirt since I've been here.
As i thought, Germany and Italy seem to be good places. Cant say id know much about areas though. Anybody know any notable places ? or places of interest?
actually, there's quit a few decent metal bands from italy:

mortuary drape
theatres de vampires
black flame
forgotten tomb
opera IX
tenebrae in perpetuum
Absolutely but most of it is made by dudes in their own basement and most of them have a hell of time trying to get label support. Quality shit like Belenos for example. In six months here, I'm yet to buy an album from a store, because I haven't found anything beyond the Virgin-type bullshit, and there's not even an alternative (metal or not) radio station. Even rock music is practically foreign here. I don't live in Paris and I guess there is some sort of scene there, as well as the other major centres, but it's certainly a lot more hidden than any other place I've been. For example, I don't think I've seen a single metal t-shirt since I've been here.

Holy shit, and I thought living here sucked :lol: Here's not too good either, most stores only carry maintream bullshit, with a couple odd albums here and there. The T-shirt comment is surprising though, I expected more from France. Out of curiosity, where do you live?
actually, there's quit a few decent metal bands from italy:

mortuary drape
theatres de vampires
black flame
forgotten tomb
opera IX
tenebrae in perpetuum
And tons more in addition to that, both in the the 90s and current times.

Funeral Oration
Hour of Penance
Arcana Coelestia
Locus Mortis
Art Inferno
Throne of Molok
Coram Lethe

and many more
Holy shit, and I thought living here sucked :lol: Here's not too good either, most stores only carry maintream bullshit, with a couple odd albums here and there. The T-shirt comment is surprising though, I expected more from France. Out of curiosity, where do you live?

Who, me or ? (Im from England, incase it was directed to me :P)
However i do know most of the French black metal musicians are underground.

As far as the states go, Portland, OR and Seattle have some good stuff going on. Same with the SF Bay area.

Whiskey Funeral, what kind of metal are these? Im not a big one on my USA metal affairs right now, so was wondering what these guys tend to play

actually, there's quit a few decent metal bands from italy:

mortuary drape
theatres de vampires
black flame
forgotten tomb
opera IX
tenebrae in perpetuum

Stop posting black metal bands =( :P
Although i do like Forgotten Tomb, Songs to Leave [i think it was called] was a fucking awesome album !