Recent content by Odysseus

  1. Odysseus

    Octavarium Clips

    Being a rather big fan of Chroma Key I thought I'd respond to this. GMH has less vocals than the two earlier albums You Go Now and Dead Air for Radios. I usually only listen to the first 5 - 8 tracks of GMH since I only ever listen to it while driving and I generally lose interest by then...
  2. Odysseus

    Soundtracks, Scores

    I'm pretty sure it is an indie film. I've been told it can be found at best buy for like $10 I think, but it's probably also available at most video stores. I saw Requiem For A Dream once, and that was more than enough. It was so well done that I never want to see it again. It kinda...
  3. Odysseus

    Soundtracks, Scores

    It wasn't a documentary, but it was filmed somewhat like one you might say, except every frame was animated in a totally innovative way. Some might say it's supposed to appeal to people on drugs, and maybe that's the case, but I tend to think not, and either way it adds to the abstract...
  4. Odysseus

    Soundtracks, Scores

    Has anyone seen the film Waking Life? The music for that was perfect for the really intense philosophical atmosphere. The film deals with the nature of consciousness, lucid dreaming, human physcology, and other topics like that with a heavy connotation to it. Intsruments used were a...
  5. Odysseus

    Soundtracks, Scores

    I think I did a real quick photoshop job on the picture of the Odysseus t-shirt they used to have on the website. Thanks for the welcome back. Stewie and just about every character from Family Guy rules btw. A couple more soundtracks I wanna mention: The Red Violin (John Corigliano)...
  6. Odysseus

    Soundtracks, Scores

    I haven't posted in about a year but I just had to particpipate in this thread. If you want to hear a true masterpiece by Danny Elfman, then listen to the soundtrack for Tim Burtons' The Nightmare Before Christmas. It's a disney film with a child-like sort of theme to it, but that doesn't...
  7. Odysseus

    Spider Man 2

    yea there was more humor in the second movie, and that elevator scene was great. Everyone in the theater was cracking up from the kids to the teenagers, and even the 40 year old guys who were around when Spider Man came into existence. As for the people who think lord of the rings is crap...
  8. Odysseus

    Spider Man 2

    yea what ^ he/she ^ (sorry I don't know). It's not supposed to be some really deep emotional movie that has incredible meaning to it. It's just really entertaining. A movie can be good without having tons of depth to it, but of course this doesn't mean that everyone will like simple "fun"...
  9. Odysseus

    Spider Man 2

    haha yea, spaceballs was great. "Our radar's been jammed! ....only one person in the galaxy uses rasberry jam.......... Lone Star!" I liked dodgeball as well, just an overall non-serious movie like you said with dumb but funny lines. I still need to see The Terminal because..... you know...
  10. Odysseus

    Spider Man 2

    soul of ice: I think you have to realize what kind of movie it is. It's a superhero story, and if you think those kinds of movies are dumb (which i can understand actually), then try to at least realize it was extremely well done for a superhero movie. If you thought the movie was gonna suck...
  11. Odysseus

    Spider Man 2

    I just got back from a midnight showing of Spider Man 2, and oh how much sweet ass it kicked! For any avid superhero-style movie fans out there like myself I highly recommend seeing this movie even if you weren't planning on it! It's just incredibly energetic, and you'll leave the theater in a...
  12. Odysseus

    Drummers thread

    I didn't think music theory was specific to any single instrument. I know things like technique, skills, and fundamentals can apply to a single instrument but I'm pretty sure theory applies to all musical instruments.
  13. Odysseus

    Guitarists - String Guages?

    for those that wanted the tapping lesson thing, it's up now at,11955 if the link doesn't work just go to the powertab archive. It's in the lessons section, then Guitar (general), "Michael Romeo Tapping Mechanics" I also submitted another powertab...
  14. Odysseus

    Guitarists - String Guages?

    That's a good approach to practicing. I wish I could say I have that kind of discipline. I do think however that learning more difficult things even if you don't get the previous technique down PERFECT will make some areas that weren't perfect before easier without actually focusing on it. In...
  15. Odysseus

    Guitarists - String Guages?

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: hehehehe I'll post it if you're serious about wanting it.