Spider Man 2


champion of ithaca
Nov 20, 2003
Northern Virginia
I just got back from a midnight showing of Spider Man 2, and oh how much sweet ass it kicked! For any avid superhero-style movie fans out there like myself I highly recommend seeing this movie even if you weren't planning on it! It's just incredibly energetic, and you'll leave the theater in a great mood no matter how shitty you were feeling when you walked in. And if you were already in a good mood.... well then...... multiply it by TEN! Come discuss the movie or anything relating to movies in this thread, but try to keep from ruining the movie for others who haven't seen it yet! Everyone should walk in fresh whether they know the stories from the comics or not.
I will hopefully get to see it this weekend, though Friday nights are now absorbed in soccer matches. Maybe Saturday afternoon... I've been waiting for this one to come out for some time. Doc Oc looks way cool on the commercials.
Dude, that was the worst piece of shit movie I have seen this summer! Worse than Troy worse than Van Helsing. Chalk up another bad movie to the lowest common demoninator. Such a bad plot and such idiotic dialog, I have no clue how you found that to be a good movie. The only thing good about it was the eye candy, and that cannot make enough for a movie without any substance.
soul of ice: I think you have to realize what kind of movie it is. It's a superhero story, and if you think those kinds of movies are dumb (which i can understand actually), then try to at least realize it was extremely well done for a superhero movie. If you thought the movie was gonna suck then you shouldn't have seen it the day it came out or any day at all. Just curious, what movies do you consider to be good?
Odysseus said:
soul of ice: I think you have to realize what kind of movie it is. It's a superhero story, and if you think those kinds of movies are dumb (which i can understand actually), then try to at least realize it was extremely well done for a superhero movie. If you thought the movie was gonna suck then you shouldn't have seen it the day it came out or any day at all. Just curious, what movies do you consider to be good?
I loved the first Spider-Man. Very well done with a comprehensive developed plot that captured the essence of Spiderman quite well. I also appreciate the first Batman movie as well as the first Superman movie. Both directed really well and still leave me satisfied after viewing to this day.

I love superheroes and I still have over 1,000 comic books (just let the geekyness out). I expected great things from Spider-Man 2 because the first one was so good and the commercials and previews for it captivated me, but the movie fell far short of my expectations. Not many superhero movies turn out to be good, but I figured this would have been an exception.

Movies I consider good? Well so far the only movies I liked so far this summer are the Stepford Wives, The Terminal, and Dodgeball.

I loved the Stepford Wives because it reminded me so much of my favorite book "Frankenstein." If you haven't seen it, check it out.

The Terminal - I haven't really thought about why I liked it, I just liked it.

Dodgeball - Doesn't take itself seriously at all and actually has quite a few clever jokes in it as well as some awesome dodgeball action.

But my all time favorite movie has to be Spaceballs. "She has gone from suck to blow!"
haha yea, spaceballs was great. "Our radar's been jammed! ....only one person in the galaxy uses rasberry jam.......... Lone Star!" I liked dodgeball as well, just an overall non-serious movie like you said with dumb but funny lines. I still need to see The Terminal because..... you know.... Tom Hanks kicks major ass. I'm not really sure how much different Spider Man 2 was from the first one, but whatever.... I liked it.
oh man we're not getting into an argument over a movie are we?

i havent seen it yet, the first one was entertaining enough but certainly not the greatest movie of all time (which i didnt expect it to be so im not complaining) so im guessing the second will be the same.

the point is, each to their own tastes! some like it some hate it, lets just be adult and respect other peoples preferences. theres no need to get into a fight about it.

SR wrote
the first one was entertaining enough but certainly not the greatest movie of all time

How the fuck can you say that...thats bullshit...:lol:

My son is on a Spiderman kick so we might go and see it in the holidays or on his birthday.....it was funny the other day we were watching a Dio DVD(how else is he gonna learn) from back in '86 and he sees the crowd giving Ronnie James the ol devils horns and he says "look daddy.....sign of the Spiderman"
Taliwakker said:
he sees the crowd giving Ronnie James the ol devils horns and he says "look daddy.....sign of the Spiderman"

LOL!!! You know I always said that...whenever you see the "non tr00" metal people give the devil horns its never with the thumb over your middle and ring fingers like its supposed to be, but with the thumb out to the side...I always said they weren't making metal horns, but were getting ready to shoot a web :D
Sr wrote
lol bullshit because it wasnt entertaining enough or bullshit because it was indeed the greatest movie of all time

I'm not sure......i'm just being argumentative :)

Honestly i thought it was a waste of $5 on DVD rental...but Kirstin's a cutie....and if i'm gonna have to waste $20 seeing the sequel on the big screen i can get some small consellation (?) from that.

I don't think any one could disagree that the two greatest movies of all time are National Velvet and International Velvet :)
I finally saw the movie this past weekend. I thought it was great, but I hope the next installment isn't back to the Green Goblin. I'd rather see some other villains, like Swarm or Juggernaut or Rhino or more with Kingpin or... I think they should have made Doc Oc a little more villainous as well.
I saw it too, and my own personal opinion was I thought it actually sucked the big one :lol: Only because it was so typical corny american crap! The first was better.

Shrek 2, now that was a good movie (well a couple of lame drawn out bits but other than that), and the latest Harry Potter, that was great! (I never saw the first two really so I didnt get annoyed by whatever monotonous cliche's there may have been).

I havent seen a great mature sort of movie in ages though.
The first Spider Man was piss-poor at best, and the only movie I am planning to see this summer if Farenheit 9/11. Troy=bullshit. Illiad is one of the greatest books I have ever read (second only to "The Fountainhead" by Ayn Rand), but a movie would be God-awful. From what I've heard, Spider Man 2 and Troy are dog shit movies, and I would rather waste the 14 bucks I'd save on a shitty CD.