Spider Man 2

SilentRealm said:
And who in real life would crowd around to protect him like that, if you've ever travelled a Sydney train you'd know that people dont like to 'get involved' in matters, theyd have continued reading their papers and ignored the evil guy coming to get him, in hopes that they get left alone.
Could it be true: New Yorkers are nicer than... what shall we call them - Sydneyites? :D
rockmanxpr said:
Well at least the train scene was better than Legolas doing his impression of the Flintstones in Return of the King ;)
blasphemy!! how dare you!!! :lol: im no legolas fan, but i dunno about that, at least LOTR had the rest of its awesomness to carry off any remotely crappier parts (of which there was very few crappy parts)
:lol: .. i dont even remember an elevator scene thats how good it must have been..

come on.. youve all forgotten the BEST scene in the WHOOOOOOOLE damn movie.. which is OBVIOUSLY the granny saving scene.. so awesome, i wish i was that granny being flung around the buildings like that, what an adventure ride!
I'm with soul of Ice on this one. First Spiderman surprised me in how well done it was: good plot, great 1st act (getting/discovering powers), decent dialog, cool action, good villain (especially acting-wise) etc.

All the second one had IMO was good action and an awesome character in JJ Jameson. That guy was born for that roll. But back to the action, it was only good at a couple of points (beginning of first Spidey and Doc Oc fight on top of skyscraper). There's lots of problems I had with it that mad it a bad movie for me, super-hero movie or not:
1.FAR too much top-of-the-lungs screaming. Seriously, it got unbearable.
2.MJ (not well-acted in this one) gets way too pissy for seemingly no reason. So he missed your fucking play because of a perfectly good reason? Why must you act as though it's the end of the world? He's in school, you're not, get over it. This bothered me because it was the root of the whole inner conflict to begin with. So invalid concern for MJ led to an insincere main conflict in the movie.
3.Bad villian choice. Cheesy acting. They never explained why he needed the arm things. "I have invented an infinite and abundant ebergy source (btw, the mini-sun thing was so stupid and insulting to many peoples intelligence), oh yeah, I also made these arms! aren't they wicked cool?" They only used this villian because he fit into two market tested and prooven models of profitable villainy: the ominous stomping of Jurrasic Park, and the jagged, uncomfortable motions of the mechanical arms i.e. The Matrix. Good try guys, but you didn't sell me.
4.Why the hell does spiderman leap out the window when he hears a fuckin police siren? It's NYC!!! If you don't hear at least 4 every hour, something's wrong.
5.There were two or three distinct points in the movie where he would have died. They all involved him falling from great distances onto things and landing on key body parts. Spiderman or not, those falls would kill you (they do in the videogame).
which quite nicely segues into my final point (I had other problems with the movie but ill end the bitchfest there). The Spiderman 2 videogame (not the PC version) is awesome and much better than the movie. I recommend it to any gamer.
i think people are taking the movie a liiiiittle too seriously. its not suppose to be super realistic. its make believe! fiction! obviously half the stuff in the movie would never happen in real life, but thats the whole fun of the movie! you just gotta sit back and enjoy the ride. and btw joeshabadoo, i could probably make points on all your arguments cause i do my best to stick up for my spidey! but the one about MJ, she wasn't mad just cause he missed her play, she was upset and dissapointed cause she really loved him and he wasn't giving her the time of day. and i agree spiderman 2 videogame is kick ass.
but the one about MJ, she wasn't mad just cause he missed her play, she was upset and dissapointed cause she really loved him and he wasn't giving her the time of day.
yeah how selfish of him to be off saving the world and missing her play ;) lol im just being a bitch dont mind me. I know not to take it seriously but still its fun to pick on.

BTW the first one was only good because it had Willem Dafoe in it. He is a great actor (in most cases, the only one I can think of with him that I hated was that shit Madonna movie)
its not suppose to be super realistic. its make believe! fiction! obviously half the stuff in the movie would never happen in real life, but thats the whole fun of the movie! you just gotta sit back and enjoy the ride.

WTF??? i thought it was based on a true story.....i guess i can stop searching for the Peter Parker autobiography then.
It would be pretty damn could if it was a true story. The same goes for LotR. Sometimes I just wish everything was really...

Well, I have seen the movie today and I absolutely loved it! We (me and my mother) were supposed to go to see the movie in the evening but at 1 pm I wanted to buy the tickets for tonight already. Then I thought: "why not going right now instead of tonight" so I did. When I walked into the room the movie just started. It was great. :cool:
Why take a risk and do something original when you get more money by doing again something that has already been proven successful. That's just how it works these days.
That's what the music industry thought too. They're still trying to figure out what the lesson they've been taught actually is, is how badly they got schooled for it.

This sort of consumerist drivel will not sustain an industry, and those smart enough to pursue original projects are going to last in the long run.
It would be nice to see some original content in movies these days.

With comic books, there are so many story lines and threads to draw from - why do they have to keep telling the same creation story over and over and over?