Spider-Man 2...

BbqBats said:
Not likely, because Black Cat was a rich woman named Felicia who was a classmate of Peter Parker. But its not like they didn't change the story line for the movie. I'm still bothered by the fact that Spider-man doesn't need web shooters, he just fires them from his wrists.

You know, when I first heard it was going to be organic webbing, I was not sure I liked it, but the more you think of it, it's easier to swallow that it is part of his powers, then a high school kid develops a chemical that produces webs, as strong as steel, that a company like 3M can't even come up with. I liked how they did it in the Ultimate series, where his parents developed the formula, and he just completed the missing piece.

Anyway, i'm all good with the organic webbing now.

Man... I really am a Spider-Man geek.
And speaking of that, it bothers me that this year I checked out the action figures for Spider Man 2, and all I found was basically like a dozen different versions of Spidey, and not a single one of the supporting cast. I know they say that they don't make the supporting cast characters much because kids don't buy them up as quickly, but is it really necessary to have so many different versions of Spider Man? Are kids really buying up all of those? I see an awful lot of them just sitting there on the shelves.
So ends this weeks episode of "Larry's Recliner of Rage" (you "Late Night" fans will get that one.)

Sorry, I'm a geek who used to collect alot of toys, plus I owned a collector's shop for about four years, old habits die hard.
NvmbrsDoom5 said:
And speaking of that, it bothers me that this year I checked out the action figures for Spider Man 2, and all I found was basically like a dozen different versions of Spidey, and not a single one of the supporting cast. I know they say that they don't make the supporting cast characters much because kids don't buy them up as quickly, but is it really necessary to have so many different versions of Spider Man? Are kids really buying up all of those? I see an awful lot of them just sitting there on the shelves.
So ends this weeks episode of "Larry's Recliner of Rage" (you "Late Night" fans will get that one.)

Sorry, I'm a geek who used to collect alot of toys, plus I owned a collector's shop for about four years, old habits die hard.
Dude Larry I still got those Lord of the Rings figures at Toys R Us i stashed them up there before I quit. I could probably hook u up with spidey figures I still have friends that are working there.
NvmbrsDoom5 said:
And speaking of that, it bothers me that this year I checked out the action figures for Spider Man 2, and all I found was basically like a dozen different versions of Spidey, and not a single one of the supporting cast. I know they say that they don't make the supporting cast characters much because kids don't buy them up as quickly, but is it really necessary to have so many different versions of Spider Man? Are kids really buying up all of those? I see an awful lot of them just sitting there on the shelves.
So ends this weeks episode of "Larry's Recliner of Rage" (you "Late Night" fans will get that one.)

Sorry, I'm a geek who used to collect alot of toys, plus I owned a collector's shop for about four years, old habits die hard.
Actually its quite trtrue. I work at a Toys R Us (same one as Vito used to) and all we have on the shelves are Spideys. If we get the occassional Doc Oc, its gone in a matter of a couple of hours. At least for the first movie they had Green Goblin, Norman Osbourne, JJ Jameson, and Mary Jane. This line is just the same Spideys and a couple of diffrent versions of him.
NvmbrsDoom5...yeah baby! Conan all the way. Larry is the man! I love the time he talked about that Star Trek type show. I had no idea what he talking about but it was hilarious.