Any Movies anybody looking forward too??

I don't really bother with popular movies too much anymore. I know that there are some occasional gems, but there is far too much crap to sift through. Rather, I'll just let my friends who are greater movie and art-house film aficionados than I to let me know what's good and what to stay the hell away from.

I'll probably get around to seeing Borat's movie sometime, but that's a general exception to the rule, because it will deliver, no questions asked.

In the meantime, I'll just spend ridiculous amounts of money on Bergman DVDs.

No kidding, the trailers make this look like the best movie EVER.

Actually, my previous comments aside, some of my friends back at school want to see this to both see how horrible it would be, and to pick at historical inaccuracies.

(i.e. "But what about the THEEEEBBBAANNNNNSSSSS?")