Spider Man 2

i just saw spiderman 2 last night and loved it!! i thought it was amazing!! that scene on the train just blew me away. i think anyone could enjoy this movie. i would highly recommend it. but i guess some people just aren't into that stuff, which i don't really quite understand. i don't know how anyone could have hated it or thought it was bullshit or whatever. i mean it was entertaining! and thats all i can really ask for. thats why i go to the movies afterall, to be entertained! it had a deep enough story line as far as superhero movies go, and the special effects and action was unbelievable! ahh, i could go on and on. i thought it was awesome. but then again i am WAY into the whole superhero thing (X-men and spiderman especially!) so i dunno, go see it and decide for yourselves!
yea what ^ he/she ^ (sorry I don't know). It's not supposed to be some really deep emotional movie that has incredible meaning to it. It's just really entertaining. A movie can be good without having tons of depth to it, but of course this doesn't mean that everyone will like simple "fun" movies like Spider Man 2 since clearly not everybody likes it. My personal favorite is The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King and I'm sure a lot of people think it's just stupid fantasy crap which I can understand why.
Spiderman 2 rocked. I love movies about your average dork, that gets awesome powers and then you have the whole internal struggle and all that. The character development was done masterfully, the action scenes kept me on the edge of my seat. It was just a great great movie.

Cannot wait for Aliens vs Predator.
SilentRealm said:
nah anyone who thinks LOTR was crap is a jerk :grin:

damn straight! the lord of the rings is my all time favorite movie. i think its safe to say im obsessed :grin: i absolutely love anything that has to do with fantasy. and as you can see, i loooove my dragons! hehe

btw odysseus, its she ;)
ABQShredHead said:
I liked the "Rain Drops Keep Falling On My Head" part. Funny stuff.

yeah thats one thing i noticed that was different about spiderman 2, it seemed to have a lot more humor then the first one. i loved the scene in the elevator too. that was pretty funny.
yea there was more humor in the second movie, and that elevator scene was great. Everyone in the theater was cracking up from the kids to the teenagers, and even the 40 year old guys who were around when Spider Man came into existence. As for the people who think lord of the rings is crap... all I can do is feel sad for them and point out that Samwise the Brave is the greatest character in any movie ever... because Sam freakin rocks.
The movie comes in Holland on June 14 I thought. I guess I have to wait a little longer :(

LotR totally kicks ass! I remember the very first time I saw the film and all I was thinking was 'omg this is the best movie I have ever seen' and couldn't wait a whole year till the second part came out and then had to wait another year for the last part...
Medusa's eyes said:
LotR totally kicks ass! I remember the very first time I saw the film and all I was thinking was 'omg this is the best movie I have ever seen' and couldn't wait a whole year till the second part came out and then had to wait another year for the last part...
I had the same feeling, I was so excited about having seen it I was hyperventilating with the awesomness. I really think the 3 lotr movies combined = the greatest movie ever made, and I really hope they do The Hobbit (and leave the same characters in it).
So i it was the little guys 5th birthday yesterday and i took him to see Spiderman 2 like i promised. He loved it and i thought it was pretty much shithouse. I almost cried though when he stops the train right at the end of the track and the train's people passed him back overhead....told him that they wouldn't reveal his identity...and then told Dr Octopus that he'd have to go through them to get to Spidey....fucking beautiful :cry:
Waste of $25 especially when the Mrs comes home that night with the DVD of Spiderman 2 she got from someone at work...one of those cheap Bali jobs.
the train scene was the hokiest piece of crap in the whole movie I thought, for one thing, how long did it take him to figure out to use more webbing to slow the damn thing down..such an Einstein, if he had of used more to begin with not only might he have not ruined a perfectly good train but he would probably have a cheaper tailor bill.

And who in real life would crowd around to protect him like that, if you've ever travelled a Sydney train you'd know that people dont like to 'get involved' in matters, theyd have continued reading their papers and ignored the evil guy coming to get him, in hopes that they get left alone.

(I'm such a jerk :lol: ) (edit: bloody smileys)

The main part of your story that makes me want to cry is the waste of 25 big ones ;). My son was bored to death during the movie, but then as usual afterwards everything is 'Spiderman this, Spiderman that'.
SR wrote
My son was bored to death during the movie, but then as usual afterwards everything is 'Spiderman this, Spiderman that'.

Yesterday was a Spiderman fest. Videos, posters, Playstaion 2 game, action figures, shoes...the movie....birtday cake even. Buzz Lightyear is no longer the coolest.