Spider Man 2

It would be nice to see some original content in movies these days.

With comic books, there are so many story lines and threads to draw from - why do they have to keep telling the same creation story over and over and over?

Good question. Maybe because they think it would be too complicated for the mass audiences if they had to actually know something beforehand.

I don't really have passion for any of the comic heroes, cause I never read that stuff. I did like the new Batman films though so I guess that was a cool re-boot. Most of the others (super hero films) I've seen are kinda meh, but I heard that the new Thor and Captain America etc. are supposed to be pretty good.

That's what the music industry thought too. They're still trying to figure out what the lesson they've been taught actually is, is how badly they got schooled for it.

I don't know. When I turn the radio on, it sounds like they're playing the same crap over again to me... Every pop song has the same characteristics, the compulsory guest rap verse, lyrics about partying or fucking or both and so on.

I of course take originality all the way when it's done with quality, but being original doesn't help if it still sucks. (captain obvious)
Mainstream pop is a lot better today than 5-10 years ago though. At least in Sweden with all that indie pop getting big. Lykke Li etc.
Today's mainstream rock is fucking horrible though and I guess that's a big part of mainstream radio.

As for movies I'd rather watch an old classic than Spiderman whatever. I don't like superhero movies.
It would be nice to see some original content in superhero movies these days. With superhero comic books, there are so many story lines and threads to draw from - why do they have to keep telling the same creation story over and over and over?

almost all of the superhero characters in today's comics were created in the first half of the 1960s, with the exception of a few that are EVEN OLDER, for each hero character, there's enough "history" to make a whole hundred DIFFERENT movies, without having to do seemingly endless prequels/re-boots and putting flashbacks of the deaths of thomas and martha wayne in EVERY SINGLE FREAKING batman movie!!!

this spiderman re-boot is going to be the 4th big-screen movie of spiderman, showing the spider-bite-origin story for a 2nd time, this movie is the 4th Sony-made movie out of Sony's 6-picture deal with Marvel, after the 6th spiderman movie hits theaters, Disney/Marvel will make another re-boot, where spiderman will live in the same movie-universe as The Avengers, for this 7th spiderman movie, they will show the spider-bite-origin-story for a 3rd time, does america really need to see spiderman's origin story for a 3rd time??? who the hell in america didn't already see the origin story in the 1st movie????
DC announced that when Batman and Green Lantern appear in a Justice League movie, Christopher Nolan, Christian Bale, and Ryan Reynolds will not be allowed to be involved in production, what the freaking hell are DC's movie makers smoking???
I like the superhero movies...I wasn't around in the early days to enjoy the comics, and it's not like there's anything else coming out that's any good
Preacher is the only american "superhero"-ish comic I can stand (relatively low-key supernatural stuff with a few exceptions). It's pretty awesome. Good characters and well-written. They should make a movie based on that instead of all of these re-boots.
Every time I see "Preacher" on a bookshelf I think it looks interesting and to be something I would enjoy; however, I never want to spend the $15 to $20 dollars per volume it costs to partake in them. I know I could just buy the first one, but knowing I will probably like it would mean I would end up buying them all eventually and that adds up to a lot of cash.
Oh, and about the Spiderman origin story thing, I wasn't aware that the next movie was going to be another reboot rather than just a continuation of the last three movies. Sounds like a horrible decision to me too. Also, I believe it won't be the 2nd origin story movie, rather the 3rd as there are the old Spiderman movies from like the 80's as well right?
It really is quite ridiculous that almost all the super hero movies are stuck in telling the origin story again and a again.
Im up to see the spiderman reboot. I feel Andrew Garfield will fill the part really well and im hoping it will tie to the Avengers in some way. Maybe him and Wolverine will show up if theres an Avengers sequel. I can dream.

As for the orgie of reboots that have come out in the past decade, i really dont mind. If its good its good. The bad superhero movies will be forgotten anyway which will leave a chance for a movie thats done right in the future. Remember the 1990 Captain Amierica and The Hoff as Nick Furry? Of course not. We already have trouble remembering the Green Lantern. I can care less for originality. Its good that there are only few creative writers out there because they are the ones that keep raising the bar every once in the while. (Mr Nolan)
Preacher is the only american "superhero"-ish comic I can stand (relatively low-key supernatural stuff with a few exceptions). It's pretty awesome. Good characters and well-written. They should make a movie based on that instead of all of these re-boots.

preacher really is getting made into a movie
i posted it on one of the "movie" threads in another forum... i just can't remember which one

preacher comic was awesome

the spiderman movies in the 80s were not theatrical releases, they were "made-for-tv-movies"

Unbreakable was awesome, way way better than anything else that M Night Shamalan made, the only thing that i didn't like was that it was never advertized as a "superhero" movie, it was really just advertized as "another movie by the same director as the 6th sense", also, when i rented the version of the DVD that contained extra scenes "not seen in theaters" i saw that with each of these scenes you can clearly see exactly where each "deleted" scene would have been in the movie, and each and every one of these "extra" scenes really should have been in there, if all of those extra scenes had been in the theatrical release, all those 6th sense fans would have been better able to tell exactly what the hell was going on, especially considering the fact that, because of the way it was advertized, a huge amount of the people that saw unbreakable on the opening day were people that didn't know anything about superheros
i didn't even realize it was a superhero movie untill about a week after the opening day when my freind called to complain that a movie that had been advertized as a horror movie turned out to be a superhero movie

in response to post number 70
i thought re-telling the "origin story" was just standard part of doing a re-boot, something done as part of establishing that this new movie is part of a brand-new movie universe, except for that whole weird-ass "superman returns" thing where brandon routh's movie was supposed to be a direct-sequel to superman 2 but we're supposed to somehow pretend that superman 3 and superman 4 just didn't happen, that idea sounded as weird as hell when it happened, but i really think that it really could have worked pretty well for the spiderman franchise, if you re-watch the last 30 seconds of spiderman 2, it looks like it would be pretty easy to make the first 5-20 min of spiderman 3 take place about 5 min after the end of spiderman 2, where the police hellicopter is responding to some sort of "supervillian" doing something on the rooftop of a skyscraper or maybe adrian toomes (spell?) wearing the vulture wings
Preacher is the only american "superhero"-ish comic I can stand (relatively low-key supernatural stuff with a few exceptions). It's pretty awesome. Good characters and well-written. They should make a movie based on that instead of all of these re-boots.

preacher is actually getting made into a movie :grin:
the whole scene in the 1st trailer where peter parker "inheirets" a suicase full of stuff from his "scientist" father...
well, i just now heard that there's actually going to be fully functional webshooters in the freakin suitcase
aparantly this is the new movie's explination about where spiderman's webshooters come from
how do you guys feel about this?