Recent content by oliollioxenfree

  1. O

    Hello from Georgia USA

    Check out Bloodbath if you dig death metal, they're my favorite now
  2. O

    Greetings from Houston, TX!

    Not really any one subgenre I'm really into, it's kinda all over the place, from older school stuff to some modern bands. Pantera, Mayhem, Death, Behemoth, Meshuggah, Immortal, Iron Maiden, Lamb of God, Slipknot, Strapping Young Lad, after being a naysayer for a LONG time I've finally started...
  3. O

    DI Bass

    Also, using Cubase LE AI Elements 7
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    DI Bass

    Hey guys, new here, so sorry if this is the wrong place/I'm breaking some rules, but I'm recording a demo with my band, and all I have to record with at home is my Steinberg UR22 since I'm missing a cab for my rig and my bass player doesn't want to lug his rig over here just to lay down some...
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    Greetings from Houston, TX!

    Hey everyone, been lurking this forum for YEARS and finally decided to register and partake in the discussions that take place on here, all I can say is this site is an AWESOME source and I look forward to contributing what I know and taking part in discussions. Keep LOUD AND HEAVY everybody...