Recent content by pig whistler

  1. P


    you can find things out on google ask d**a shes a fan of it :grin: :grin: :wave:
  2. P

    Anathema forum Lunatic Asylum

    well hello dora.... i now realize your a fuckin nazi...your the mad one for having them pictures... i think you need help you may find some help on google... since you use it alot you need curing ... good bye
  3. P

    Who is coming to London then?

    hahahahahahahaha i love dora
  4. P

    Will the real The Antimatter/Pig Whistler please stand up?

    chezzzzzzyyyyyyyyy who the fuck are you........ mr pig is standing up but the antimatter is away on holiday....sorry he cant stand up------when he gets back i'll tell him to reply
  5. P

    the big gathering

    and guess what MR PIG IS A COMING hahahahahahahahhahahahhahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  6. P

    recommend me new albums!

    im not a fan of music
  7. P


    who are you
  8. P


    you can't take a joke :Saint: lighten up you take things to serious.............
  9. P

    pig whistlers counciling service

    a strong words mr frodnat
  10. P


    well sanchez guess your against drugas with a name like san chez you should be a filthy mexican most of them take drugs
  11. P

    pig whistlers counciling service

    theres a problem with a certain meber in the forum but i cant name them any way susie since this is pro counciling service... i can tell you miss mick but very shortly he will come back. and if you ever need a baby sitter i offer a cresh service as well
  12. P


    i that i do, thanks to the mavels of plastic surgery
  13. P

    pig whistlers counciling service

    come to me with whats on yer mind...and i will try to help you this is not sexual related in any way :ill:
  14. P


    ive got some top pics of mick at school but have to go to folks to get them...wooops nearly bu me cover
  15. P

    . . . . . . . . . .

    hahahahahahah pure fuckin comedy value.. achernar thats one of the funniest things on this site fuckin rockin