Recent content by Rc-VoS

  1. Rc-VoS

    Emiliano Lanzoni interview on

    Un giorno mi spiegherai come si fa ;) E' tanto che ci penso...
  2. Rc-VoS

    Emiliano Lanzoni interview on

    Bella intervista. Non sai quanto mi piacerebbe aprirmene una anche io, ma di tutt'altro genere. Ma non saprei neanche da dove iniziare :(
  3. Rc-VoS

    VOID OF SILENCE - "The Grave of Civilization" - REVIEWS :rock: Il tempo vale per tutti ma non per i Void Of Silence, loro possono prendersene quanto ne vogliono, manipolarlo a loro scelta e decidere di piombare sul mercato con un disco solo quando è necessario. Non smetterò mai di...
  4. Rc-VoS

    The End of Void of Silence

    After 11 years since we started this adventure, after 6 years since the band started its official activities and after three album released together as VOID OF SILENCE, we decided to put an end to this band. We took this decision with sadness and bitterness, also we must admit we yet reached our...
  5. Rc-VoS

    a new signing on the way...

    Nope, their new album will be out in february 2005, and i don't know the label. The new mp3 on line is simply marvellous!!!! Try it : :hotjump: Emi...tell me this!!!
  6. Rc-VoS

    a new signing on the way...

    Redsparowes? (Isis side project?)
  7. Rc-VoS

    THE SOUNDBYTE - "Rivers Of Broken Glass" - REVIEWS

    Album semplicemente stupendo! Complimenti Davide ed Emi! :rock:
  8. Rc-VoS

    Jacopo Giorgi passed away

    Jacopo Giorgi, brother of our friend Michele/Xyphias passed away in the last Sunday. Michele, ti siamo molto vicini... This is a letter from Josh, the younger brother of...
  9. Rc-VoS

    new MP3 battle!! Mechanical Poet Vs the Soundbyte Vs Thee Maldoror Kollective!!!

    Tre gran bei pezzi! Mi hanno impressionato i Soundbyte avanguardistici e molto retrò: una gran ficata. Un pò meno i Mech Poet, forse un pò troppo power per i miei gusti, ma aspetto di sentirlo tutto, purtroppo Emi non sceglie mai i pezzi migliori per gli advanced. :tickled: Ma i TMK sono...
  10. Rc-VoS

    Void Of Silence first reviews

    Soundtrack? If you knew a good director... :tickled: In the past time we have already made a soundtrack for an American b-movie directed by Bill Zebub.
  11. Rc-VoS

    Void Of Silence first reviews

    Also you can listen 4 new mp3 from our web site on in sounds page. Enjoy it!
  12. Rc-VoS

    Void Of Silence first reviews

    "Der Mai wird damit mit Sicherheit in ein dunkles Licht getaucht. = Surely with it, May is absorbed in a dark light." Great!
  13. Rc-VoS

    code666 POLL - upcoming releases

    Better undead than alive 2 ???? What is this? :confused:
  14. Rc-VoS

    The Axis Of Perdition - New Release Update

    I'm listening to Minethorn stuff and I like it! :rock: Have you also AoP mp3 page?
  15. Rc-VoS

    Thee Maldoror Kollective

    Mik, do you remember the "II° Congresso post industriale"? :Smokin: