Recent content by Rocksolidamps

  1. R

    Equipment anybody??

    Cool So Craig at Dana B Good's gave you the hookup? Derek
  2. R

    Equipment anybody??

    C'mon you got an AWESOME setup man, I'm getting my 1st Dellinger this week which will be either of the ones you have. :rock: Which do you like better? Derek
  3. R

    Another reason why I'm dissappointed about James not being in Megadeth...

    I just did the 81/85 swap 2 week's ago James in my PRS and I'm loving the tone of the 85 in the bridge. Thanks for the tip. I still like the 81 in the bridge as well and have 2 other axes equipped that way. Derek
  4. R

    Equipment anybody??

    James! Cool to see we have the same recording desk but I see a much nicer layout with your's especially the dual screen apple setup, eventide etc!. I need more room. The Dragon set up is killer and a perfect match with the Cobra good luck with it man and I know it will be put to good use...
  5. R

    Equipment anybody??

    Hi James how's it going anyway heres my introduction. The Bogner and Line 6 HD 147 are now gone replaced by a 5150 II and a Randall Warhead X2. The VHT cab has been replaced by the giant Engl XXL 4x12. I have the ridiculous amount of gear for the most part cause I'm an...
  6. R

    Recording Gear reccomendations!!

    Thanks alot man I appreciate the kind words but I need to take it to the next level sound wise without breaking the bank and hope to get some input from Andy hopefully. I need to start posting again on the JCF soon but thing's have been so busy lately and my time on the PC has been cut down...
  7. R

    Recording Gear reccomendations!!

    I'm currently using a Digi 002 Console along with an SM 57 and a Sennheiser MD421 II for mic's. I also have a single channel Vintech X81 mic preamp an HHB Radius 50 and a DBX 376 channel strip but I think I prefer the built in mic pre's in the 002. If anyone has experience with the Vintech tell...
  8. R


    Thanks again Andy. That was just the Blackmore plugged straight in. The only modification I did was switch the 1st 2 preamp tubes from stock to Chinese 9th generation 12AX7's. I think they are great 12AX7's with great gain characteristic's and for under $10 a piece they kickass. Derek:cool:
  9. R


    Thanks Andy. Derek
  10. R


    Thanks for the clip's Andy. You definitely got a better clearer tone than I did but the low end sound's very flabby. Maybe due to the MP3 conversion. I still prefer the tone of a 5150/Rectifier much more though. What mic pre was the 57 plugged into? Derek:cool:
  11. R


    Hi Morningstar. Guitar tone and amp likes and dislikes are all subjective to the listener's ear's for the most part which I'm sure you already know with that being said, Engl amp's are the best amp's I ever played for the metal tones I like and I'm lucky to sell something I believe in 100%...
  12. R


    Thanks alot MarK! I appreciate it. Derek:cool:
  13. R

    Ladies and Gents... THRASHFUCKINGMETAL!!!!!!

    Someone asked about what amp the guy in the Darkane video was playing and it was an Engl Savage 120!!! Check out this drummer from Goratory!!! Deatrh F'in Metal!!!!! Derek:cool:
  14. R


    Who know's with all the people Krank is getting under their belt maybe he might end up playing a Krank of some sort:D
  15. R


    Hi Andy.This is my 1st post I wanted to introduce myself to you and I'm a definitely a big fan of your work.Anyway, I'm an amp dealer here in the USA with my main interests being in the high gain /metalhead amp market.I only carry a few lines of amp's and only sell amp's that I personally like...