Recent content by Rofocale

  1. R

    MIDI keyboards?

    +1 for the E-MU X Board 49. Had mine for a couple of years and it works excellently...I even bought it second-hand off ebay.
  2. R

    Getting that DOOM sound.

    Sansamp? Bass? Eh? I'm confused - it's easily done! EDIT: Ah! The Internet, or rather google, explains all. I couldn't really see a hardware based mfx more software stuff. I'm looking for something I can plug into and rely on not to crash for live work. Someone recommended the zoom g9.2tt to...
  3. R

    Getting that DOOM sound.

    Hi guys I'm looking for a new mfx unit, specifically one that can give me some truly brutal tones. My band play a hybrid of many of the Doom/Death/Dark greats. I'm looking for a kind of Daylight Dies/Katatonia/Paradise Lost lead with the immense rhythm of bands like Swallow the Sun and...
  4. R

    Guitar Project

    Wow...thanks that is a fantastic site. I'm after a body that will sound good with the prog metal stuff i play (dream theater, symphony x etc) and also my over love....doom!!! (Swallow Sun, Daylight Dies). Something that can cope with both the high end soloing and low end doomy crunch...
  5. R

    Fitting EMG's into Ibanez RG HELP!

    Cool thanks :) So anyone with EMG's here? Can anyone help?!? Heh...all this hassle for a triad of EMG goodness...
  6. R

    Guitar Project

    Hey thanks for the reply guys! Hmmmm okay I'm considering goign down the 'purchasing a body' route...any advice in what to look for? I've seen some on Ebay that look good...but I'm not too sure that I know what posatives and negatives to look out for. Help would be appreciated!
  7. R

    Guitar Project

    Hi Folks I'm putting together my first guitar project and I was just wondering if any of you guys had any advice or experience you wanted to share. My main concern is the body...what qualities should I look for in a guitar body other than shape, wood etc... I intend to fit a Floyd Rose...
  8. R

    Fitting EMG's into Ibanez RG HELP!

    Cool...thanks :) I'm just dubious that the HSH setup will leave enough room...also do you think I could run an 81-SA-85 off the single battery effectively? Its just a very expensive setup to have go wrong!!!! Also if you don't mind me asking...what do you think would be a decent passive...
  9. R

    Fitting EMG's into Ibanez RG HELP!

    Hey I have a typical Ibanez RG body that had a set of shite stock passive pickups installed (HSH). I'd like to replace them with a set of EMG 81-SA-85...all of course are active. Is this possible without moding the body....will there be enough room to cram a battery pack? Anyone got any...
  10. R

    Fitting Active Pickups in an Ibanez

    Hey I have a typical Ibanez RG body that had a set of shite stock passive pickups installed (HSH). I'd like to replace them with a set of EMG 81-SA-85...all of course are active. Is this possible without moding the body....will there be enough room to cram a battery pack? Anyone got any...
  11. R

    Biomechanical Guitar Tabs

    Wow that is fantastic! Much thanks to Chris and the rest of the band. I'm so looking forward to blasting that solo to my bloody hiphop carzed neighbours...Let them eat metal! Once again thanks I now how long it takes to put things down in GuitarPro and it's soooo appreciated. Cheers Existenz...
  12. R

    Questions to Biomechanical

    I can just feel the man love on this board...well not 'feel' but....erm....okay. I have a question. *ahem* What was the inspiration for Biomechanical? It's obvious that there is a concept of 'fusion' going on here but second to pulling every interview on the net I was wondering what it is...
  13. R

    Biomechanical Guitar Tabs

    Sweet The problem is that knowing the way Japan works....There probably already is such a tribute band...scary.
  14. R

    Biomechanical Guitar Tabs

    For those of us who are far too unskilled/lazy to learn how to play Biomechanical songs....We need Tabs...Or better yet tabs in Guitar Pro (you know the one where it plays you a midi tune so that everything sounds like it should be in Golden Axe). Pretty Please....Pretty please with a...
  15. R

    Demo recording of new track available, live show

    I always thought that rapture lacked that certain something that sets bands like Daylight Dies apart from the rest of the pack. It's a shame because I can hear so much potential in what they do.